Chapter 8

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We pressed forward through the blizzard, the biting wind stinging our faces as we struggled to see more than a few feet ahead. Our horses laboured through the thick snow, each step a battle against the weather.

"Sadie says he's not gonna make it, John," I shouted over the howling wind. "We need to find shelter soon."

"Alright. Silas is scouting ahead," John replied, his voice barely audible above the wind.

"If we keep going like this, we'll all freeze to death," Butch chimed in, his words tinged with desperation. "I just hope the law's as lost as we are."

Suddenly, Silas's voice cut through the howling wind. "Over here! I found a place we can hole up for a while. It's an old mining town, abandoned. Shouldn't be too far from here."

We followed Silas through the blinding snow, each step bringing us closer to the shelter we so desperately needed.

"Get him inside," Butch's voice boomed from the entrance.

Several figures filed into the dimly lit shed, their faces strained with concern as they carried Lenny on a makeshift stretcher.

"Mr. Jackson, hurry and start that fire. Miss Jones, bring in whatever blankets we've got. Mr. Donovan, scrounge up whatever food we've got left," Susans commanding voice rang through my head, embodying the

mother figure that she seemed to play in the gang.

Sadie's voice trembled with grief as she spoke through sobs. "Lenny... he's gone."

Silas stepped forward, attempting to offer some solace. "There was nothing more you could have done," he murmured, his voice gentle.

Butch's brow furrowed with worry as he turned to John, who paced restlessly. "What's our next move? We're running low on supplies," he asked, his tone urgent.

But suddenly, a sharp crack echoed through the forest as a low-hanging branch whipped back, catching me square in the face. I grunted in surprise and pain, the impact jolting me back to reality.

"Son of a bitch!" I cursed, clutching my nose as I brought my horse to a halt.

"Michael!" Grace's voice rang out with concern, her eyes widening in alarm as she watched me clutching my throbbing nose.

Mary's expression shifted from annoyance to mild amusement as she glanced back at me. "Looks like someone needs to pay more attention," she remarked, her tone tinged with sarcasm. "You alright Jackson?"

I winced, feeling blood trickling down my chin. "Yeah, just peachy," I grumbled through gritted teeth, trying to stem the flow with the back of my hand.

Grace's brow furrowed with guilt. "I'm so sorry, Michael," she apologized, her voice tinged with regret. "I pushed past the branch, and I didn't think to warn you."

Mary apparently couldn't help but let out one of her annoying chuckles. "Well, I reckon that's what you get for daydreaming,"

"It's alright, Grace," I managed, though the pain made my words come out more gruffly than I intended.

Mary rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed by the exchange. "Let's just keep moving," she declared, urging her horse forward with a flick of her reins.

As Mary's horse trotted ahead, I adjusted myself in the saddle and urged Red to follow suit, this time more cautious of my surroundings.

The morning sun filtered through the dense line of trees, casting shadows across the ground as we rode deeper into the forest. The air was crisp and cool, carrying the earthy scent of pine and damp soil.

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