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The night sky above Blackstone is clear, stars shining down on the quiet streets. The coyote's howl in the distance adds an eerie touch to the atmosphere. It's one of those nights when trouble might be brewing, and Blackstone holds its breath, waiting to see if the line between order and chaos gets a bit too thin. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a feeling that shit is about to go south .. fast

"Gentlemen .... robbing thieves, it ain't no crime at all. Folk like this ... they stole what this country could have been." John grumbled whilst hitching his horse to the nearest post. He believed in his plan, a risky venture to rob the bank, seeing it as a sort of justice against those he deemed thieves of a better country.

Four of us were standing in front of the Wellington Bank, waiting for Sadie's signal. It was all part of Johns "Genuis" plan that he swears will give us the freedom we all want. One last heist.

"Act natural fellers, wait for Sadie to do her thing" John continued

"You damn best be right about this, John," I muttered, unable to fully shake my doubts.

"Have a modicum of faith, Michael, will you please? As soon as we get out, we load everything on the wagon here," John continued, his confidence unyielding. "Butch, you make sure the bankers behave and stay quiet. Silas, cover our ass and watch out for the law. And Michael, you're with me on the vault."

We stood there, waiting, the quiet interrupted only by the shuffling of horses and John's murmurs. Suddenly, the serene atmosphere shattered into chaos. A massive explosion echoed through the streets, flames and thick smoke rising into the night. Police bells rang urgently, and the distant screams of panic and commotion reached our ears.

"Oh, I love that woman! She is a true artist," John cackled with satisfaction as chaos unfolded around us. The plan was in motion, and the once-quiet Blackstone now crackled with the flames of our daring heist, orchestrated by John's cunning plan. The line between freedom and consequence blurred, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had put too much faith in the man leading us into the heart of the chaos.

"Come on let's go, we ain't got much time" I shouted.

We hurried over to the bank entrance. I pulled out my pistols, ready for whatever might come our way, and kicked the double doors down. John brushed past me, leading the way, and we all entered except Silas, who remained outside as the lookout for the lawmen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a hold-up! Don't do nothing stupid!" John warns as we all hold guns to their heads. "Get your asses on the floor! Now!"

"Who do you think you are?!" A man in a fancy suit protested from the crowd. Before he could get any closer, Butch delivered a swift blow to the side of his face, sending him sprawling to the floor.

John kneels down by him "Michael, would you please have this gentleman here open the vaults for us?"

I grab the manager by his collar and raise him up to his feet. I start to push him towards the vault with my pistol pointed against his lower back. The manager, visibly anxious, fumbled with his keys. "Open the vault! Come on!"

Finally, he pushes the vault door open revealing a room full of safes protected by combination locks. "Shit" I whisper

"What is it?" John shouts outside the room.

"I need the combination for these safes!"

"Make him talk! Or else he dies!" John exclaimed with worry in his voice as the gang struggled to keep everyone quiet.

"13 56 92" The banker sobbed with fear in his eyes as his body was shaking, almost unable to stand on his feet. "Please sir, I've got a daughter who needs me. I'm all she got"

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