Chapter 6: Impending Storm

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He cut my sentence off. "What do you think you're doing?"

When my eyes made contact with the familiar golden eyes, I suddenly regretted ever saying that he wasn't daunting. He towered over me menacingly as if he was about to pounce at any given time. But instead, he withdrew his hand quickly. Like a visceral reaction to dirt. If that aura of his didn't hurt me, then his reaction certainly did. For a moment his grim look was intercepted by confusion as he looked at his hand that just grabbed my arm, and then back at me.

"I believe there is a better way to approach someone. Maybe a pat would suffice." I rubbed my arm, his grip still lingered.

He scanned my face and a look of realisation suddenly hit him. "Y/n?" he said.

My name rolled off his tongue so effortlessly and pleasantly that it almost made me think we were friends before this. It made sense when I remembered he saw my name tag from the previous encounter.

"I didn't mean to be nosy. I saw you talking to the doctor a minute ago and got curious as to who you were visiting."

He paused for some time before replying, "Haven't you heard that curiosity killed the cat?" His voice deep and sombre. A brush of cold wind tickled my skin.

"Hah?" I arched an eyebrow.

He didn't give me a second to think and changed the topic almost immediately. "I heard about what happened in the store the other day. It was all over the news."

I could only afford to huff an awkward laugh. "Comes with the job, I guess."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," he said all of a sudden. "Really I am"

His apology sounded so sincere as though he was responsible for my injury, which obviously couldn't be possible. Yet I searched his face to think otherwise.

"If I ever get my hands on them again, I'll make sure they won't even make it to jail." I chuckled but the man didn't seem to share the same humour.

"You could've pulled the trigger. Why didn't you?"

I stopped to think. Did the news release the CCTV footage?

"I'm all for self-defence, but I can't kill a soul even if I wanted to."

"Why?" he probed.

"Because thats..." my voice trailed off. "That's just inhumane."

I couldn't even look at him in the eye because I knew how dumb I sounded, trying to show empathy for the very people who robbed and stabbed me. However I still stood by the fact that every life is too precious to be taken away. No matter how evil you are. Because if you could change a drop of black ink to grey, then you can certainly change evil to good.

"If everyone decides to kill someone they deem as 'evil', then will there really be anyone left in this world? We're alive because we are given second chances. No matter how small the circumstances is. And I gave him just that because the possibility of growth is not slim."

Silence ensued between us for some time with only the beeping monitors and pager alerts filling in the awkward air. I took a peep at his expression and even though his face didn't change as much, I could sense that he was baffled behind that black mask.

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