Chapter 5: Awaken

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If I could be reborn once again, I would want to be someone worthy of being loved.

Shrouded in darkness with zero of my limbs working, I came to a conclusion that perhaps this is where the dead ends up. All the talk about heaven and hell, punishment and reward, good and evil ceased to exist. No one could predict the afterlife because after all, the dead does not live to tell. And here I was, floating like a speck of dust in this boundless vacuum, conscious enough to know that I had transcended the world of the living.

For a moment, I lost the ability to remember who I was, where I lived, my friends, my family and whether I had a lover. All I knew was that this void in my chest had always been there even before I passed on. Seems like this afterlife and the one I had were no different from each other.

'That's not true.'

A voice whispered. Whoever this person was, it sure gave me a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, I was loved just as I love them.

'Y/N-san, it's time to wake up. Wake up for me, I need you.'

It was then I registered that it was a child's voice. So soft and calm I could give in to this darkness and sleep on. But something was tugging my heart. Strong enough for me to realise there were things left undone and people I loved left behind. Maybe my heart wasn't a void after all.


A cry so desperate I could not bear to ignore. Someone dear to me was waiting.

I forced every of my limb to move and once I broke free from the invisible chain, I swam my way up. Up and up until light emerged, radiant and ready to take me in.


"What do you mean the client is unsatisfied? We have gone through the blueprint millions of time and– Huh? They want another meeting? Like now?!"

This wasn't what I wanted to wake up to but unfortunately it was unavoidable and I had no choice but to take in the yells of my mother who was screaming into her phone.

"Ah I get I get. I'll be there in a second so don't start anything yet." She hung up her phone after what seemed like a rejected project. She rubbed her temple and let out a heavy sigh. Clearly my existence was less important than whatever she was facing. As if she felt a pair of eyes staring from her peripheral vision, mother turned to look at me. Her face impassive. "Oh, you're awake?" she said like I just woke up from a slumber.

I let out a derisive laugh. "What? You don't sound too happy."

"Starting out hostile, are we?" She kept her phone in her purse. "Glad you're awake. Shion would be happy to hear this."

'Only him. Not father.'

"I don't know how long you've been awake but just to let you know, I have an important meeting to attend. I'll get the nurse on the way out so just make yourself comfortable."

My attention fell onto the withered Gerbera flowers next to me. Not only did mother ignore my wellbeing, she ignored the flowers' too. It wasn't a shocker she lacked empathy but it didn't hurt to throw out the flowers if she wasn't going to bring a new one. Unless this was her first visit.

Mother looped her handbag around her shoulder before heading towards the exit. Didn't even bat an eye or say goodbye as if she didn't bother to hide her apathy. I should've been accustomed to her contempt but this took the cake.

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