Chapter 1: My Little Friend

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Feet shoulders width apart, I pivoted my foot and gave a strong kick to the dummy's chin with a loud thump before retracting back and wiping the beads of perspiration away.

"Nice kick!" my 3rd-year senior, Nao, exclaimed, giving me a thumbs up. It could be that he was laying it on thick but I knew for a fact that I was growing stronger and stronger as the day progressed. After all, I had no quirk to steel me up in the presence of danger and so I had to rely on brawn.

"I couldn't have done it without your assistance. Thanks," I gave him a small smile to which he replied with nothing but a dumbfounded look.

And with that, the practice was done for the day. After putting away the dummies and mats, I bid farewell to the rest of my mates and exited the school, still in my Taekwondo attire. The sun was low and the once sizzling asphalt road had simmered, replaced with a faint warmth under the soles of my white shoes. This was my favourite time of the day because the breeze was light, one that envelops your entire being even through the creases of your body until every drop of sweat dissipates. The atmosphere had a particular subtle smell wafting through the air like burnt charcoal which was strangely addicting.

This time of the day also became a designated time to meet Eri, the 7 year old girl I encountered in the playground a while back. If there was one thing I learnt from my meeting with her, it was that her love for sweets was far greater than anything else, hell, even her damn parents. And that explained why I was carrying a container of cake that I baked the previous night.

As I ambled down the street, the sound of hasty footsteps drew nearer and all of a sudden I felt a tug from behind. This triggered my fight-or-flight response, immediately making me grab the unknown's arm and twisting it behind his body, without hesitation.

"W-wait, it's me!" Nao anxiously cried.

Surprised, I loosened my grip as my brows relaxed upon seeing the familiar lad. If Nao was a second too late, I would've broken his bones and kneed him to the ground. All that while still keeping the cake in one piece.

He exhaled, "Relax once in a while, will ya? Isn't it tiring to always have your guards up?"  He circled his arms to loosen the twisted knots.

Of course, it was. But I had grown accustomed to being on my toes in whatever circumstances. Because I had nothing. No quirk to protect myself and the people I loved. Taekwondo was the only thing that could come in handy. Over time, it helped to heighten my instincts and reflexes. A person like him would never understand the struggle of having to work thrice as hard as everyone else, simply to remain alive. And it didn't help that we were living in a patriarchal society.

"I'm sorry. I just don't like people creeping behind me," I slightly chuckled.

"Right, my bad. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you wanna head home together?"

I paused for a moment. "I'm sorry! But I have somewhere to rush off. Maybe next time? See you soon, Nao."

Without batting an eye, I dashed away leaving the perplexed boy alone. It wasn't a lie. I had to be in the playground before the sun sets because a certain girl was waiting for me. And I couldn't leave her hanging.


My feet tapped onto the pavement hastily but decrescendoed to almost inaudible when the base of my shoes reached the sand. The squeaking sound of the swing hovered in the atmosphere followed by a shuffle. I watched the 7-year-old girl make a shallow dent in the sand with the tip of her shoes, barely reaching the ground. My heart ached at the sight of such lonely figure, like a stray cat waiting to be taken in. This was one of the reasons why I didn't want to abandon this girl. Because where else could she find refuge and love if not from me. I decided from the very beginning that I was going to take care of her like my own, something that our parents failed to do.

"Eri!" I called out as I slumped onto the swing next to her.

Her red eyes lit up like globes of candy apple glazed with sugar. The same eyes that shed tears in the silence of the night.

"Ahh! Y/N, you're finally here!" she chimed, her legs wagged rapidly with excitement.

I ruffled her hair, "Sorry I kept you waiting. But guess what I made yesterday?" I shielded the container with my body, partially.

"Apple pie?" she guessed.

"Nope. I baked chiffon cake, dyed in red!" I pulled out the plastic container and displayed it like a trophy. "Okay but it looks pink now. I wanted to match it with the colour of your eyes but-"

"It's okay," she hummed. "I love pink too."

Eri's innocent face sparkled in anticipation at the fluffiness of the cake, pulling my lips into a smile. I handed her a white plastic fork and invited her to take a bite. Immediately her small mouth chomped on it, and I could see the way her expression changed as she savoured the buttery taste.

"So, Mister Gordon Ramsay, how would you rate it?"

"It is out of this world!" She gesticulated and jumped off her seat.

"Yeay!" we high five-ed each other, our voice revebrated the surrounding as the evening sun casted our long shadows on the sand.

After a long passionate talk, it was time to go home. Frankly speaking, I would call it a hellhole. A place so rotten and unpleasant that even a landfill felt more like a home. And I was sure Eri felt the same way, from the dejection in her expression.

"Eri... Once I'm financially stable enough to support the two of us, I will get you out of there. I promise," my hand tightened around her's.

We walked in silence until we reached the doorstep of Eri's apartment. From the hurried footfalls, I knew it was going to be another round of reprimanding. The door flung open and swiftly, her mother snatched Eri's wrist into the house.


"I told you to stop going out didn't I?!" she yelled before slaming the door in my face, not even acknowledging my presence.

She continued to scream like a lunatic but never once laid a finger on her, which was a relief. But frustrating. A police report wouldn't make a difference unless a physical abuse was involved. So even if I reported it, they would brush it off and say that it was just an internal family problem that was beyond their reach.

I waited in front of the door until the yelling subsided to ensure that nothing bad happened to Eri. Once I confirmed everything was fine again, I made my way back home. Footsteps heavier than ever.

"This is the worst part of going home."


hello everyone! its been 3 years but im back to writing again! i know i have been very quiet but I do visit wattpad regularly and ive missed writing here. i hope you will enjoy this fic as much as i enjoy writing them. see you soon


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