Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 1: The Circus

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(Authors Note: So, you guys like backstories? Cuz' things sure did happen. You probably wonder how did it all start it, before I.M.P. and all that. Well, we must back, back to Stolas birthday)

On his birthday, a child Stolas is excited to find out what his duties in life will be and happily gets ready to meet his Mother and Father, Octavia and Paimon.

Paimon: Ahhhh! There is my little, uh...

[Stolas smiles gleefully up at his father.]

Paimon: *whispers to Octavia while pointing at Stolas* Which son is this one? There's so fucking many.

Octavia (The First): Stolas, Paimon.

Paimon: Stolas! Yes! Ha! Right, right! *chuckles* That's the one! *begins walking toward Stolas* The owl boy.

[Cuts to Paimon standing in front of little Stolas.]

Paimon: *leans toward Stolas, surprising him* Well, my little one, *stands upright and walks behind Stolas* it is finally your day of becoming a true part of the Goetia family. How good for you. Are you ready to know what you'll be meant to do to serve Hell?

Stolas (Young): Yes, Father!

Paimon: You will be entrusted with the study of the Earth's skies, the stars, the prophecies they hold, all that stuff. *closes the portal and summons a grimoire* Isn’t that fun? You will begin the studies of your grimoire, which will grant you access to the mortal realm to study and observe, *levitates the Grimoire to Stolas who is bouncing with excitement* and you will grow to be a mighty Prince of Hell, with your own legions to lead and pass on your knowledge to!

Stolas (Young): *happily confident* I will do my best, Father!

Paimon: *leans toward Stolas* Wonderful! *speaks fast* Also, son, we're also expected the royal guest from the outer reach of the Goetia family. *pulls a picture of a young Stella and her family from his cloak* In other words, they'll be joining at your acquaintance on your Birthday. You know that there's a circus in town?

Stolas (Young): Yes Father, Are you taking with me?

Paimon: Sadly no Stolas, But your mother will be taking you along with there Kids.

Stolas (Young): Oh... But how come your not coming with us?

Paimon: Because I have a Meeting with Alexander and Helena, about the- Let's just say we're working on little arrangement that's all.

Octavia (The First): Don't worry Stolas, As soon as they arrive will head to the circus, and by the time we get back the others guest will be attending at your Birthday Party until then.

Stolas (Young): Ok...

As Stella and her Family Arrived at Paimon's Mansion, They greeted to them as the introduce there kids Stella and Andrealphus to Stolas, As Octavia took them to the Circus.

[Cuts to Stolas, Octavia, Stella, Andrealphus and Mister Butler standing at the top of the stairs into a circus tent. Paimon is not physically present, but instead is shown on the glass of a mirror the butler is holding up. Various Imps are seen filling the bleachers. Circus music plays in the background. As the ring leader of the circus begins speaking.]

Cash Buckzo: Now, everyone's favorite thing about circus shit: the motherfuckin' clowns!

[A multitude of frightening Imp clowns with glowing eyes leap out at the audience from behind curtains in the background. Cash Buckzo laughs as they fly outward. The Imps in the audience scream and pull away in terror.]

Fizzarolli (Young): (off-screen) You ready, Blitzo?

[Cuts to a child Blitzo giving a rope a quick tug.]

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