Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 6: Truth Seekers

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This scene opens where Two agents are monitoring footage that show the I.M.P in action on their previous Earth missions; the agents confirm they are looking at the creatures from Hell that have been killing off specific individuals. According to one of them, they attack at random throughout the country, and it's impossible to guess where they're going to appear  next.

This scene cut where at the Coffee Shop, as Blitzo and Moxxie watch the commercial for the business that they spent their life savings to produce.

Blitzo: See Mox, this advertisement for our Company will surely get enough calls for the clients.

Moxxie: I don't know, sir. Considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then  additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel... nobody watches.

Blitzo: Still, It's a Masterpiece and Everyone will coming to our business and they'll be Paying us like no Tomorrow.

Fizzarolli: Well, Well, Well. If it isn't Hell's favorite failures, the I.M.Losers.

Moxxie: Aw great, Fizz's here.

Fizzarolli: Y'up in the Flash, Baby! [laughs] So tell me Blitzo, Have you even gotten one call since you left to start your dumb company?

Moxxie: As a matter of fact, Fizz, we have.

Blitzo: Wow. Really?

Moxxie: Uh, Yeah. My Wife called, and she said, "Oh Mox, that's the best commercial I've ever seen!" And I said,  "Thank you very much, Millie. We're very proud of it. So Boom!

[Phone screen Shatters]

Moxxie: Aw crumbs.

Fizzarolli: [Laughing] Aw Man, How pathetic can you be Short Stack it's no wonder why You guys haven't had a call for over a week since You barely do anything.

Blitzo: That's funny, what have you been doing ever since I left huh?

Fizzarolli: Oh Blitzo, I'm just having a Time of my life having fun for Shit and Giggles. Which by the way Blitz, Your Sister wants me to you to say hi since she been in rehab due to being a drug dealer, and well nevermind... Speaking of which, what does it like being the only one who's proudly the best clown while you doing whatever shit you guys do for living?

Blitzo: I don't know, what does it like to be a sellout the you limb-less freak.

Fizzarolli: Awwwww, just like your audience always was when you to-told your lazy jokes here! [laughs]

Blitzo: Bitch Please, I make more money killing people than You do!

Fizzarolli: Boohoo! Someone's salty!, though unlike myself, people love me! Does anybody love you... Blitzo?

Blitzo: No. But, I'm really good with guns now. Unless you wanna see it for Yourself!

Moxxie: Ok! Guys let's not start a scene alright, Beside sir we have job to do Right?

Fizzarolli: Tch! Yeah sure, Good luck running a business with this Dead-weight.

[Fizzarolli Throw the curl napkins Moxxie, but Blitzo caughts it.]

Blitzo: Say that again about Mox, And you're gonna regret it.

[Blitzo Throw the curl napkins at Fizz.]

Fizzarolli: Oh Yeah, Get this through your tiny brain, Blitzo. You're a joke, and you will always will be.

[Fizzarolli Push to Blitzo to the ground and walks away Laughing]

Blitzo then get himself up, but still hurt of what Fizzarolli she to him.

Moxxie: Sir are you ok? Hey don't listen him beside Fizz is just being an asshole.

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