Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 3: Spring Broken

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In the City Center, there is a big crowd at the music store, all ladies having come to see Skylark and get his autograph. Each of them, however, exhibiting unusual fangirl behavior, including Millie and Loona. all the ladies go crazy and start swarming the shop to buy Skylark's merchandise. When Blitzo, Moxxie, Striker and Verosika show up to see Skylark.

Skylark: Well, Well, Well. If it isn't my Baby Sister Verosika Mayday.

Verosika: Cut the Shit Skylark! and secondly what are you doing here! I thought you were in Rehab due to your DUI.

Skylark: Oh Please they let me go because I'm still famous and Rehab is for sad, depressing losers who end up being as nobodys. Speaking Which I should be asking you why are you here of all places?

Verosika: I'm just doing my Job and doing my Solo Song Cover of my own thank you, however I Didn't expect you while your enjoying your lifetime doing a Song by Solo.

Skylark: Have I now Sis? Well ever since you walked out on me by doing your own thing While I have to do it on my own without ya.

Verosika: Like what, just so you could keep hogging all the Spotlight while you take all the glory while I'm being treated like I don't exist?

Skylark: Well to me at least I still has Standards, And beside you've been such a Debbie Downer ever since you been hanging with that Imp, Ever since Valentino dumped you.

Verosika: (Sigh) Yeah, Thinking About it.

Blitzo: Hey, Lay off of her will ya?

Skylark: Or what Midget? You gonna headbutt me in my Ju-

*Blitzo Pull his Knife out from his Pocket*

Blitzo: Otherwise Your gonna lose a Dick from your-

???: From What?

Blitzo and Verosika then turn around, was Skylark's Bodyguard Vortex.

Blitzo: Whoa! he's Huge!

Vortex: (Growling)

Skylark: Stand Down Tex, There not worth our time.

Vortex: Oh, You know those two?

Skylark: Barely... Also I bet you two haven't notice that this here is Vortex he's my Bodyguard and trust me you don't wanna mess with him because he get's very mean.

Blitzo: Yeah but we got ourselves a Hellhound too! plus she's an Real Killer and can bite any victim with her bear fangs, Right Loony?

Blitzo: Loony?

Loona: Vortex..

Vortex: Loona... Hey This is the first, I Haven't seen you ever since we Graduate..

Loona: Uh, Yeah it has so what of you doing all this time?

Vortex: Well I-

Skylark: Vortex! I Hate to interrupt with your reunion with your friend, but let me remind you that you have a job to do right?

Vortex: Oh right, sorry sir.

Skylark: Anyway, If you clowns don't mind I need to prepare for the upcoming concert performing on Surface.

Verosika: And what performing would that be?

Skylark: Well if you wanna know, Spring Break is Coming Up and I will be performing to the Human World just so everyone can see me.

Verosika: We're Also there too, but to me there's no way I'm letting you take that away from me Brother!

Skylark: Oh I See how it is, Then how about a challenge in a sing-off. The Winner Get's Bragging Rights and The Loser will admit we're Better than you.

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