Part 6

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Part 6: The Encounter with Velvet, Veneer, and Cousin Voilet in the village

As the night wore on and the festivities in Trolls Village continued, Poppy, Branch, Clay, Viva, along with John Dory, Spruce, and Floyd, found themselves strolling through the colorful streets, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere. Laughter and music filled the air, creating a sense of joy and celebration that enveloped the entire village.

Suddenly, their carefree stroll came to an abrupt halt as they rounded a corner and came face to face with an unexpected sight – Velvet, her brother Veneer, and their cousin Voilet, accompanied by a group of trolls, standing in the middle of the village square.

Velvet, with her striking green hair and piercing blue eyes, exuded an air of confidence and sophistication that instantly commanded attention. Beside her stood her brother, Veneer, with a shock of vibrant green hair and a fierce expression that hinted at his formidable nature. And standing beside them was their cousin Violet, also with striking green hair and an unsettling grin, who seemed to be sizing up the newcomers with a mix of curiosity and malice.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Velvet purred, her voice smooth as silk as she eyed the group with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

Floyd couldn't help but interject with his characteristic dry humor, "Looks like a couple of trolls who stumbled upon the wrong family reunion."

Spruce chimed in, unable to resist adding his own quip, "Yeah, I was expecting a picnic, not a showdown with the Trolls Mafia."

John Dory, always the prankster, couldn't resist teasing the menacing trolls, "Hey, are those your real teeth, or did you borrow them from a saber-toothed squirrel?"

Poppy shot her friends a warning glance, trying to diffuse the tension while suppressing a laugh at their antics. "What do you want, Velvet?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Velvet's grin widened, finding amusement in the banter. "Oh, nothing much, my dear Poppy," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Just a little visit to our dear old Trolls Village, to see how the other half lives."

Branch, always quick with a comeback, couldn't resist adding, "Well, I hope you enjoyed the tour, because it's time for you to leave."

Velvet simply laughed, her laughter echoing through the village square like a sinister melody. "Oh, Branch, always the optimist," she said, her tone mocking. "But you see, dear, we're not here to cause trouble. We're here to offer you a deal."

Poppy exchanged a wary glance with Branch, her instincts telling her that trouble was brewing. "What kind of deal?" she asked, her voice steady despite the unease gnawing at her heart.

Velvet's grin widened, revealing a hint of sharp teeth. "A simple one, really," she replied, her gaze flicking between Poppy and her friends. "Join us, and together, we can rule Trolls Village. Think of the power, the influence, the riches – all at your fingertips."

Poppy's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart sinking at the realization of Velvet's true intentions. "You're insane if you think we'll ever join you," she spat, her voice laced with defiance.

But Velvet simply shrugged, her expression nonchalant. "Suit yourself, dear," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "But remember, Trolls Village is ours for the taking. And when the time comes, you'll regret not accepting our offer."

With that, Velvet, Veneer, and Voilet turned on their heels and disappeared into the night, leaving Poppy, Branch, Clay, Viva, John Dory, Spruce, and Floyd standing in the village square, their hearts heavy with the weight of the impending threat.

As they watched the villains vanish into the shadows, a sense of determination settled over the group. They knew that they would need to stay vigilant and united in the face of the looming danger, for the safety of Trolls Village depended on it.

But little did they know, as they turned to leave, Floyd lingered behind for a moment, a mischievous glint in his eye. Suddenly, he found himself surrounded by Velvet, Veneer, and Voilet, their sinister smiles sending shivers down his spine.

Before he could react, strong arms grabbed him from behind, pulling him into the darkness. The villains had captured Floyd once again, and this time, his fate seemed more uncertain than ever.

As the echoes of Floyd's cries faded into the night, a chill settled over the village, reminding everyone of the ever-present danger lurking in the shadows.

To be continued...

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