uNGreeted Aerial Dominator

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"I get it"

In the wooden cabin of an abandoned village,two men are sitting down enjoying their cups of wine.

As Chasles requested,only General Johnson was allowed to enter the house,the rest of the team stayed outside.

Around the cabin,there's not much furniture inside it,if one thing could stand out,there would be the wooden shelf that sits in the corner of the house,each layer carrying a photo,or books,and one helmet with a phoenix wing on it,the part of history that this old pilot still carries with him this whole time.But aside from that,nothing particularly caught the eyes of the general.

23 years after the Usean coup d'etat,no one ever knew about him,until today,when Johnson and Heinrich decided to take this man back into action.

"So,you want to hire me as a mercenary in this I right?"

"You got my intent quickly,I'm glad that we don't have to spend all day here arguing over random things that's unnecessary.Anyhow,I hope that you shall consider this deal"

"Ah,no need,actually,I think you should go home.I do not fancy the idea of a coup d'etat,I hate war,as all veterans do.And most of all,I am not Osean,how unpleasant could it be having a non-Osean decide the outcome of the war?"

"We the Osean Federation welcome anyone to be our civilian,if you wish to become one,I could grant you Osean citizenship.But leave that aside,you seemed confident about your flight skill,"Decide the outcome of the war",how can you be so certain?"

"I'm not cocky here Mr.General,you found me because you wanted a good ace,like those in the "Razgriz Squadron","Demon Lord" and other,and you know the war that I fought on the Usea continent.I'm fully aware that I'm a good pilot,like many others that you didn't even bother to find"

"Actually we've found the Razgriz,unfortunately the captain has deceased in the China campaign,and the Demon Lord is still unknown.But we did try to find them in the first place"

"Well that was unfortunate"

The veteran reaches out to the wine bottle and pours a little more into his own looking closer,Johnson has found many scars on the face and both hands of this old warrior,maybe that's why he got the callsign "Scarface" in the first place.Needless to confirm, the man sitting in front of him has witnessed the amount of horror that he has never seen in his entire life.

Noticing Johnson is looking at him,Charles quickly fixes his hair,so that it could cover the scar on his forehead.

"It's quite rude to stare at people"

"I know,but...Sorry,but where đi you get all those...war signatures?"

"Well,believe it or not,I got all of them from a single mission,thirty years ago,...Wait,I don't think you know about that,sorry.Moreover,didn't you say that you don't have much tie,why bother sitting here listening to this man's story?"

"Because I haven't received your answer to my deal"

"I said it from the beginning,I don't want to support the idea of a revolt.If that wasn't clear enough,then listen carefully this time:I reject the deal,money isn't what I wanted,I only need enough for my retirement."

Charles is talking about a random unreal story again.At this point,Johnson began to question himself if this man is worth spending time to persuade.Considering that the war ended a long time ago,and there's likely something that happened during that time and made him become what he is today,maybe they are wasting their time on a man who won't bother to consider their deal.


(Remember,Harris,he's a good pilot,no doubt,the Usean told me so,but they also said that he's not,like,he's not easy to be hired.I know it's hard,but I think both you and I want to see him within our ranks,so good luck.)

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