Chapter 34: Daniel

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"First and foremost, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering dedication and hard work. Your commitment and tireless efforts have propelled us an astounding three months ahead of schedule. It's truly remarkable what we've achieved together." As Rhys calls out my name, his irritating chirpy voice cuts through the haze of my thoughts, snapping me back to the present moment. "Daniel, did you manage to get those contracts signed for delivery tomorrow?"

"Yes, Rhys," I reply, forcing a smile that barely masks my irritation. "Everything's sorted. Contracts are scanned and sent, and the delivery is booked for 8am tomorrow."
Rhys nods approvingly, giving me a thumbs up before redirecting his attention to the screen, engrossed in discussions about the next phase of the build. Meanwhile, I find myself zoning out once more, glancing at the clock on the wall in disbelief. Two and a half fucking hours have already slipped by since this meeting began, and I can't help but feel frustration for how long this is dragging. Scanning the room, I notice John, also checking the time, likely eager to wrap things up so he can pick up Gabby from nursery. His lack of enthusiasm mirrors my own, despite the enthusiastic nods and applause from Rhys's loyal followers, who hang onto his every word as if it were fucking gospel.

Then there's Millie, her gaze fixed adoringly on Rhys, her constant smile a stark reminder of her apparent interest with him. Their flirtatious exchanges aren't lost on me, nor are they subtle enough to escape my notice. It's hard to tell whether my annoyance stems from Rhys's self-righteousness or from Millie's sudden disinterest in me. Ever since we entered this boardroom, she's not looked my way once. Perhaps it's the thought of our encounter in my office, where her presence left me fucking rock hard. It's been ages since I've had an unplanned stiffy.

As John takes the floor to discuss the upcoming months of the project, I find myself nodding along mechanically, attempting to maintain the façade of interest. My hand instinctively reaches out for one of the sushi platters arrayed before us, prepared by Rhys's flamboyant chef. It's fucking infuriating how delicious they are, and it's only a reminder of Rhys's extravagant nature that irks me further. Among the assortment of rolls, I spy a few pieces of the Spicy Salmon Crunch. Leaning forward, I stretch my fingers towards the tray, only to fall short. Just as I'm about to resign myself to defeat, the tray moves inches closer, guided by an unseen hand. Glancing up, I lock eyes with Millie, who offers a silent gesture of assistance with a subtle smile.
Our gaze holds, as she mouths the words "You're Welcome," her lips forming a playful grin before she bites down on them. I maintain my stare, feeling a rush as I pull the tray closer, her cheeks colouring faintly under my unwavering gaze.

With the tray now within reach, I manoeuvre my chopsticks, selecting a roll and popping it into my mouth without breaking eye contact. Millie's voice, barely above a whisper, breaks the silence, "PAY ATTENTION". Millie's tongue teasingly presses against her cheek. Her eyes, bluer than before, shine with a hint of mischief. As I chew, I respond with a wink, the corner of my mouth quirking up in a flirtatious grin. Millie meets my gaze with an a all too familiar eye roll, her eyes flickering back to Rhys as she averts her attention.


"Brilliant. Everyone's clear on the next steps... Marvellous! Great work, everyone," John's voice echoes through the room, a mixture of satisfaction and thankfulness evident in his tone, that this meeting is finally fucking over. "I'm off to pick up Gabby from Nursery. Won't be in tomorrow, but I'll be working from home. Rhys, make sure to snap some photos of the site tomorrow and send them over. Have a good weekend, everyone!"
John bids farewell, shaking Rhys's hand, offering a nod to Millie, and giving me a friendly pat on the shoulders before darting out of the boardroom, his phone already pressed to his ear as he hurries through the office. I can't help but snigger at his hurried pace.

"Alright, guys, pack up everything in here. Once you're done, you can head out for the evening," Rhys instructs his entourage, who immediately spring into action, tidying up after the lengthy three-hour-and-seventeen-minute meeting. Millie rises from the table, gathering her belongings as Rhys's phone begins to ring.
"Hold on a moment," he says, lifting a finger to signal a brief pause in the proceedings. "Thank you again, both of you. Brilliant work. Have a lovely evening." His handshake is firm, accompanied by that infuriatingly smug smile directed at me before he turns his attention to Millie, placing a kiss on her knuckles as he exits the room, engaged in a rapid-fire conversation in Japanese on his phone.

"Could you guys pack up all this sushi for me, please?" I address one of the female colleagues who's in the midst of unplugging the computers. "Of course, Mr. Mattlesworth," she responds promptly, arranging the remaining sushi pieces onto a platter for me.
Millie's laughter rings out as she teasingly eyes the overflowing platter in my hands. "You've got enough food there, Daniel?" she quips.
I roll my eyes. "Very funny... I'm heading to the hospital. The guys are already there. Was supposed to arrive earlier, but didn't expect this meeting to drag on for so bloody long," I explain, balancing my laptop and paperwork atop the mound of sushi.
"You're such a boy. Give me those before you drop everything," Millie instructs, relieving me of the load as she opens the door. "Ladies first, Miss Grayson," gesturing for her to lead the way. I trail behind her as we make our way towards our offices. Upon entering her office, my eyes are drawn to the absurd quantity of roses adorning her coffee table.
"Good fucking lord... That's a bit excessive, isn't it?" I laugh, gesturing towards the sea of red. Millie shakes her head, opting to disregard my comment as she steps through the adjoining door into my office, depositing my belongings onto my desk.

Placing the platter of sushi on the coffee table, I reach for my jacket hanging on the coat rack. Millie turns to me, her gaze meeting mine as she speaks softly, "How is Louise? Any changes? And how's Malcolm?" she inquires, her words carrying a sense of empathy that immediately eases the tension lingering in my shoulders.
"Lo's still the same," I reply, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. "They mentioned the possibility of bringing her out of the induced coma sooner depending on the next few days, but... I'm not getting my hopes up." My shoulders slump slightly as I loosen my tie.
Millie's hand finds its way to my forearm. "Good to hear Malcolm's doing well,". As her hand starts to retreat, I instinctively grasp it, holding it in place atop mine.
"Listen... About last night. With Georgia," I begin, my words stumbling over each other in my attempt to explain. Millie cuts me off gently, a reassuring smile playing on her lips. "No need to explain, really. Georgia seems lovely, quite beautiful, actually. It was getting late anyway, and when I realised she was waiting for you, I thought it was time for me to head home," she reassures me, slipping her hand out from under mine.
"I never got the chance to say it yesterday, but... I really did... I do..." I falter, unable to articulate my thoughts fully. Millie's gaze meets mine, her expression softening. "I know," she says simply, offering me a small smile before heading back to her office, closing the door behind her.

"Sorry I'm late, guys. That meeting was a FUCKING LONG. But hey, I come bearing food!" I announce, presenting the huge platter of sushi to Bobby, Billie, Lee, Priscilla and Louis, who eagerly snatch it from my hands and place it on the coffee table.
"Good Lord, Dan, SUSHI? A McDonald's would've been fine, you posh bastard!" Bobby jests, diving into a California roll with his fork. Lee demonstrates his chopstick skills with finesse, while Louis, after a few failed attempts, opts to follow Bobby's lead, attacking the rolls with a fork. Priscilla, elegant as always uses the chopsticks perfectly.
Billie pouts in frustration, eyeing the sushi longingly as she takes a sip of water. "I hate you all for flaunting this in front of me. I loooove sushi," she laments, turning away in annoyance placing a hand on her baby bump. "Babe, I empathise with you, truly. But this shit is just soo fucking good. Let me have, like, 3... no, 8 more pieces, and I promise I'll stop," Bobby chimes in with a mouthful, getting a roar of laughter from us all. 

As the last remnants of sushi disappear from the platter, we sit back, content and satisfied, dabbing at our mouths with napkins. "Thank you so much, Daniel. That was probably the best sushi I've ever had!" Priscilla praises, her words accompanied by a smile as she begins to tidy up the table. It's a funny how familiar Priscilla, considering her and Louis have only been married for eight months. Their relationship seems almost serendipitous. They first crossed paths years ago while working in some office tower in Central, where they barely acknowledged each other's existence. Fast forward thirteen years, and Louis finds himself stranded with a flat tyre in the middle of Cornwall, only for Priscilla to happen upon him by chance. The rest, as they say, is history. Louis wasted no time in proposing, within a mere ten months of dating, they were engaged. As we sit around the table, enjoying each other's company and sharing laughter and funny stories about Louise, it's evident that Priscilla has seamlessly integrated into our group.
As I watch the six of them engrossed in discussions about Louise's aftercare once she's out of the hospital, a unfamiliar pang of longing tugs at my chest. They're so effortlessly united.

Will the person I end up with be able to slot into this tight-knit group? 
As effortlessly as Millie did? 
She was adored by Billie and the guys, and I have no doubt that Anisha and Priscilla would take a liking to her. After all, what's not to like?

"Thanks for letting me have a bit of alone time," Ray says as he enters the waiting room, returning from his visit with Louise. "Daniel, my boy. Good to see you. How are you, son?" Ray asks, his arms extended for a hug. I rise from my chair to embrace him, feeling the comfort of his paternal affection. Ray has been married to Louise for over 30 years, and he's always treated me like one of his own son, accepting Louise's love for me with open arms.
"I'm good, mate. Just fucking knackered, as usual," I reply with a weary chuckle. "I saved you some sushi, didn't know if you'd eaten or not." I retrieve a smaller platter from under my seat and offer it to him. "Oh, how wonderful. Thank you. I'm quite hungry," Ray responds with gratitude, accepting the platter as I offer him my seat.
"Dan, you can go visit Mum now. We've all been in to see her," Louis informs me, already preparing a fresh fork and soy sauce packets for Ray.
"Thanks, mate. Won't be long, guys," I reply as I head towards Louise's room, grateful for the chance to spend some online time with her.

Closing the door to Louise's room behind me, I lean against the glass pane, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. I had shared with Louise this mornings antics about the car situation, how I now find myself owning a convertible, yet I reassured her that I wouldn't be one of those dicks who drives with the top down regardless of the weather. And of course, I couldn't help but mention Millie. I can't help but feel that waiting until this contract is signed before expressing my feelings for Millie might be the most romantic thing I've ever done. I'm eager for Louise to wake up so I can share this with her.

As I take a deep breath, my phone buzzes in my pocket, breaking the silence.

MILLIE GRAYSON 7:48pm: Hope Louise is okay. If you need anything, let me know xo

A wave of warmth washes over me as I contemplate my response. I know that what I truly want to say won't be possible. With a sense of regret, I type out a bland reply.

DANIEL MATTLESWORTH 7:50pm: She's doing okay. Doctors said the swelling has gone down a fraction. Have a good night, Millie.

I press send and hastily shove my phone back into my pocket, the dullness of my response leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

As I approach the waiting room doors, I can hear the sound of laughter coming from within, instantly lifting my spirits. Pushing the doors open, I'm greeted by the sight of everyone, all smiling warmly as they turn to acknowledge my arrival. "Come on, Danny, we were waiting for ya. Millie hasn't turned up yet, so we figured it was best not to leave you to come out alone," Lee explains, his voice filled with care. Ray chimes in, turning towards me with a mischievous glance. "I heard all about your new girlfriend, Daniel. She sounds wonderful. And quite the looker too!" he adds, taking a casual sip of his coffee.
My confusion mounts as Ray's comment sinks in. "Hang on, how the fuck has Ray seen what she looks like?" I question, furrowing my brows as I turn to Billie for an explanation.

"Did I forget to mention that I found her on Instagram and followed her? And that she followed me back? And that we swapped numbers this morning?" Billie responds with a giggle.

"Fucking hell, Billie. When did you find her Instagram? Even I haven't even got that!" I exclaim, feeling a mix of surprise and annoyance at the invasion of privacy.

"Um, babe? When did I find it?" Billie turns to Bobby for assistance, who chuckles behind his Costa cup before responding, "Oh, gosh... Um, I think you gave her a hug goodbye, and then you found her when we left the waiting room..." His wide eyes shoot towards me, as if silently pleading for forgiveness as he takes another sip of his drink.

"Ah, well done, babe. Just 7 minutes after we said goodbye last night!" Billie laughs, her amusement infectious as everyone joins in. "Oh, lighten up, Daniel. She's gorgeous," Anisha interjects, offering a playful nudge. "We honestly can't bloody believe it. Can't believe we missed it, actually. Priscilla and I would love to meet her. When Billie told us this morning, we were hoping she would come with you tonight," Anisha adds with a smile.
"Fucking hell, guys. Did you talk about me the whole fucking time I haven't been here?" I grumble. The group exchange glances before nodding in unison. With a resigned sigh, I pull a chair from the nearby table and sit on it backwards, facing the group.

"Show me this fucking Instagram then, if you've all seen it and I should too," I say, rolling my eyes as I reach out for Billie's phone. She hands it over, as I start scrolling through Millie's photos. I notice that Billie has already liked and commented on a picture of Millie in Paris, gushing over how cute she looks. As I continue scrolling, my eyes widen when I come across a photo of Millie from the first night we met. She's wearing the familiar all black, skin-tight dress that accentuated every curve, her smile radiant. I can tell it was taken before the accident, as her ankle isn't bandaged. As my eyes linger on the caption, 'I wish some nights last forever,' a surge of ego and cockiness courses through me. Without a second thought, I quickly take a screenshot of the stunning photo and discreetly airdrop it to myself, ensuring Billie doesn't notice.
Once the deed is done, I swiftly remove the photo from her gallery, lock her phone, and hand it back. "Yeah... She's... um..." I falter, struggling to find the right words.
"BEAUTIFUL, Daniel. That's the word you're trying to say... Beautiful," Billie interjects with a knowing smile as she retrieves her phone from my hand.
"Can we stop talking about it now... It's new... Anisha, how's Baby Daniel?" I hastily change the subject, eager to steer the conversation away from Millie. "Our Baby Boy is fine... We haven't picked a name yet. We have another scan in 2 weeks, I think. But he is good, thank you," Anisha responds, her hand gently resting on her bump as she leans into Lee's shoulder.

"Well, to burst the bubble, Millie isn't coming tonight. She's working," I announce to everyone as they begin to rise from the table, donning their jackets and picking up their bags.
"Are you lot fucking joking? You were sat here waiting to see if she was turning up? You cheeky bastards!" I exclaim, a mixture of laughter and disbelief evident in my voice as they all smile innocently. "We wanted the girls and Dad to meet her. Is she coming tomorrow or this weekend at all?" Lee asks, assisting Anisha with her jacket. "Oh, yes. Let us know in advance so we can all be here!" Priscilla pleads, tossing the empty Costa cups into the bin.
"Guys..." I grunt as the girls make their way towards me. "You know it's because we all love you, Dan. We want you to be happy!" Anisha, Billie, and Priscilla surround me in a group hug, squeezing me tightly. "Alright, alright..." I reply, returning the hug before gently nudging my escape. 



"Jane, are you able to contact Rhys' assistant and see when he is next going out on site? I would like to join him when he next goes, please," I request, standing in front of her desk and offering her a croissant and coffee from Pret as a gesture of goodwill.
"Oooo, thank you, darling. Of course, I can. I shall let you know and get back to you. Leave it with me, sweetheart," Jane confirms, already dialling one of Rhys' many assistants.
"Before you dial out, have I got anything in the diary today? Please say no... I am knackered," I implore, crossing my fingers on both hands in the hope that my diary is completely empty and that I can have a quiet day in the office.
"Oh, sorry, sweetheart," Jane begins to speak, causing my head to fall onto her desk in front of me. "You have nothing in the diary today or tomorrow," she continues, a smile spreading across her face. "Fucking wonderful. Jane, you BEAUTY!" I exclaim with gratitude, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. I walk back to my office, locking the door behind me, and slump onto my sofa. I haven't been sleeping that great recently, and I can't work out why. My energy for doing anything is non-existent, and I don't remember the last time I had a solid sleep. I ask Alexa to turn off the lights and close the curtains as I place my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' for 45 minutes. Hopefully, having a quick catnap will give me the surge of energy I am so desperately craving.

The sudden scent of apples envelops me, and I find it strangely calming. It's a scent that reminds me of her, and I inhale deeply, allowing it to soothe my senses. As I stretch out on the sofa, my arm raises above my head, I spot my watch and realise that I didn't just nap for the intended 45 minutes. I've slept for three and a half hours. Jolting upright, I rub my eyes in confusion, only to spot a figure sitting on the sofa opposite me. "Fucking hell. You scared the shit out of me... Are you watching me sleep?" I blurt out, trying to clear the haze of sleep from my mind and make sense of the situation. "You've been in and out of sleep for hours. I was just checking on you, asshat," she grunts in response, her voice unmistakable. I know that voice anywhere.

"Millie? Why didn't my alarm go off?" I question, stretching my arms and trying to fully awaken. "Oh, it did. For a veryyyyyy long time. I came in here to ask you what the noise was and saw you sleeping. You clearly needed it, so I turned it off," she explains.

"Alexa, open the curtains halfway," I yelp, the sound of the motorised curtains slowly rising to reveal a small beam of sunlight filtering into the office. "Sorry... If I did something wrong? You didn't move at the horrendous alarm, which meant you were in such a deep sleep. I wanted to give you more time," Millie bashfully explains as she rises to stand up.
"No, no. I didn't mean to be a dick. You just made me jump, that's all. Thank you... I... Err... Never mind," I shake my head, running my hands through my hair in a feeble attempt to collect my thoughts. "Are you okay?" she softly asks, her concern evident in her voice as she takes a seat opposite me once again.

"Just not been sleeping great... Lot on the brain," I sarcastically laugh, my hand instinctively reaching to massage the nape of my neck.

"If you need any..." Millie begins to speak, but her words are cut off by the sound of the adjoining door opening, revealing Becs' head peeking around the corner.

"Sorry to bother, but I have Rhys on the phone for either one of you? Who wants it?" she questions, glancing at both of us.

Millie turns her head towards me as I rub my eyes again and inhale deeply, contemplating the offer. "I will take it. Put it through on Daniel's phone, please?" she pleads as Becs nods, closing the door behind her. Millie strides towards my desk, settling into my large office chair which dwarfs her petite frame.

The phone rings, and Millie answers, "Hey Rhys, it's Millie," as she listens intently to the voice on the other end of the line. Meanwhile, I rummage through my laptop bag, searching for some headache tablets.

"What are you looking for?" she whispers, her gaze shifting to me.

"Headache tablets. Could you check my third drawer, please?" I respond, my attention divided between her and the contents of my bag. Millie swiftly pulls open the drawer, finding the box of tablets and tossing it over the screen while continuing her conversation with Rhys. I catch the box just in time, turning to ask for a bottle of water, but Millie, one step ahead, holds the bottle in the air and throws it to me.

"Alright, Rhys. Yep... I don't know if Daniel has gotten the request for the site visit on Thursday..." Millie peers over the screens, seeking confirmation from me. I respond with a shrug and a thumbs up.

"But he has said that's fine and will accept the invite," she adds, winking at me as she twirls in my chair.

"Anything else you need? Okay... Yep... Okay B... Oh... Because we were discussing paperwork and I thought it'd be easier to take it in here... Okay... Bye," Millie concludes her conversation, placing the phone back into its cradle before continuing to spin in the chair.
I rise from the sofa and make my way to my desk, standing in front of her. "Everything good?" I inquire, watching her as she continues to spin.

"Yeah... I think he's in a mood... But all fine. Don't forget the site visit... Actually, I will confirm it now," Millie responds, halting her spinning as she begins tapping on my keyboard. "All done," she smiles up at me, giving the chair one final spin.



"Right, I have a site visit this morning, but I will come to the hospital as soon as I can. Keep me updated, and if she does wake up, ring me as soon as fucking possible, and I will drive over as soon as," I plead down the phone to Bobby, Lee, and Louis on our four-way conference call.

"Don't worry, mate. As soon as we know anything, one of us or one of the girls will call you immediately," Lee confirms over the phone.

"Site visit? That sounds below your paygrade, Dan," Louis questions.

"It's for this new contract we got, and I want to make sure my guys I recruited are up to MY standards," I assure them over the phone.

"Aww, that means some poor fuckers will lose their jobs today. Be gentle on them, Dan. You can come across as scary sometimes," Lee laughs.

"Alright, boys, speak later," I conclude the call as I rise from my desk, grabbing my blazer.

I knock on our adjoining door and enter when I hear Millie's confirmation. The familiar scent of apples fills the air, eliciting a smile from me. Millie turns in her chair to face me as I step into the room. "I... Just wanted to let you know I am off to meet Rhys now," I explain, feeling a slight nervousness creeping up the back of my neck.

"I don't know what you all expect of them to have done within less than a week," she laughs, rising from her chair. Today, she's wearing a low-cut baby blue silk shirt with a pair of black high-waisted shorts and tights. My eyes glance down at her outfit, and I can't help but notice the pair of elephant slippers adorning her feet, prompting a snigger from me.
"Don't laugh at my slippers, Danny. They are comfy, and I don't have any meetings today... Heels hurt all the time," she smiles, playfully nudging my chest repeatedly as we share a laugh together.

"I won't be coming back after the site visit. Louise is being taken out of her induced coma today, and they are all at the hospital now... It's going to be around lunchtime, but I have asked them to try and wait until I am there," I inform her, noticing the smile fading from her lips and sadness covering her face. Her left hand rises to touch my cheek gently. "If you need anything, call me, okay?" she pleads, her thumb caressing my face. I grab her hand from my face and place a kiss on her knuckles. "I... Thank you," I whisper, our eyes still locked on each other.

The sound of my phone ringing breaks the moment, and I notice it's Rhys calling. Still holding Millie's hand against my lips, I answer, "Yes, mate. Just grabbing my stuff. Coming down now." Hanging up, I release her hand, inhaling deeply to savour the apple scent a bit longer. With one more kiss on her knuckles, I trail back to my office.


"You keep clock-watching, Daniel... Am I boring you?" Rhys asks as we walk through the site with the site manager who is in front, trailing on.

"Sorry, mate. My step-mum is coming out of her coma today, and I want to be there for it... My sort of brothers are all there now, said they'll ring me if anything happens before I get there... Full attention," I grunt as I place my phone in my pocket.

"Mate, don't be daft. As I said to John, family comes first. How is she? Millie said it was a car accident?" Rhys questions, mentioning Millie's name, which causes my jaw to tighten.

"Yeah... It was. Her and my driver were out on an errand, and some prick went through a red light and crashed into them. Malcolm, my driver, is fine. Few broken bones, but he is okay. Louise had a brain bleed, had to have surgery... The full works... It's been... It's been a shit-ass week," I exhale, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

"You still with that leggy blonde? She must be keeping your mind off it all?" Rhys asks with a smirk, shifting the conversation to lighter topics.

"Ahh... So-so... It's a very casual thing... What about you? Seeing anyone?" I inquire, attempting to divert the attention away from my personal life and find out anything about Millie. Rhys begins to reply, but the site manager leads the conversation onto the next steps.


"Thanks for showing us around, Mike. We'll come back in a couple of weeks. Great work. Can you send us weekly updates on Monday mornings, please? Covering the prior week?" I request as I shake Mike's hand.

"Of course, thanks for coming down. I'll start from Monday," Mike agrees, reciprocating Rhys' handshake before his phone rings. "Gotta take this, but very happy. Thanks, Mike. Have a good weekend," Rhys darts off to answer the call. Returning our hardhats to Mike, we exit the site. I spot Rhys on the corner, holding out his phone. As I approach, he extends it to me. "It's actually for you." Taking the phone with confusion, I answer reluctantly, "Daniel speaking," waiting for a response.

"Danny, it's Millie... Why the fuck haven't you been answering your phone? I've rung you so many fucking times," Millie's voice comes through urgently.
Furrowing my brows, I check my phone, noticing numerous missed calls from Millie, Lee, Bobby, Louis, Anisha, Billie, Reg and Priscilla. Glancing at Rhys, who's wearing a knowing smirk, I step away to respond. "Fucking prick told me I was on my phone too much, so I put it on silent during the walkaround. What's happened? Is she okay?" I inquire, concern seeping into my voice.

"I know you wanted to be there. I'm so sorry. Billie rang me as no one could get through to you. I texted Rhys over an hour ago that they were taking her out of the coma, but he didn't reply. I tried to ring you... She's fine, she's awake, asking for you," Millie informs me softly.

I hang up and check the 12 messages she sent him. Sprinting back to Rhys, I announce, "I'm going to the hospital. Have a good weekend," masking my anger with a fake smile.
"Want a lift, mate?" Rhys offers, to which I quietly retort, "GET FUCKED," before darting off to the nearest tube station. As I sprint across the road, I text the group chat that I am on my way as I receive a text, 

MILLIE GRAYSON 13:21pm: I will meet you there xo 

Questionable Morals and Breached ContractsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz