Heart break and Aid❤️‍🩹

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The word Sunday would make a one relaxed and make anyone can think ' finally ' with exhaustion.

On Sunday morning Kabir was sitting on his bed and thinking how could he can express his feelings to Shruthi . He thought ' eyes speak more than words and always true, God please this time only '.

Kabir was going to confess to Shruthi. Kabir and Shruthi were not friends but classmates. He used to peep Shruthi at corners secretly.

In past once upon a time Kabir missed his class due to unwell ness . So he asked Shruthi to give him the notes and Shruthi had no objection to help him. Kabir was so happy that some one talked to him without any " what" or I don't understand look.

At park Shruthi and her friends come to play badminton in morning so he was waiting for her to come. He saw her coming from a distance so he waved her. Shruthi also waved at him and headed towards him . Kabir gave something in her hands.

Shruthi opened the paper and read " I like you SHRUTHI" .
To Kabir's shock she didn't react and she emotionlessly crumbled the paper and said " I thought we could be friends but you....". " Listen I don't think we can fit together and in future we will have problems to communicate, YOU ARE MUTE ".
The Last words of Shruthi shattered Kabir. He was listening very patiently but the last words hurted him . He didn't say anything and walked out of the park. At this moment he wanted to die.


At Kundala lake students gathered taking selfies and paddling near the lake . Subhasmita was sitting not so far from the crowd and was at peace from everyday's dramas at home. " I want to live here for the rest of my life" she blurted slowly suddenly she saw a boy going towards the depth of the lake. Anyone farway can tell that that portion of lake was deep . She screamed " Oye ladke ( oh hello boy) where are you going are you mad"
She screamed at a distance. Kabir looked at the girl and got out of the water.

" Hey you are you crazy, do you know that the water is deep there . Are you blind. I am saying so much can't you say a word ". She said all this in a one go.
Kabir who was watching her and listening her came to sense and started moving away.
" Hey didn't you get me what I said"
" Why you were going to the depth " this time she said softly.
Kabir turned around and joined his hands and bowed his head a little. This time Kabir also thought if he had sank in the water then what would his mother do . Kabir was looking guilty now.
Seeing his expression she put her hand on his shoulder lightly and asked " Are you okay? " .
Kabir nodded his head vigorously and put a hand on his chest and then showed her the stop sign through hand saying " I am alright" through his actions.
" can't you speak" she blurted in a low voice which is only audible to Kabir.
Kabir nodded simply. This time she can't speak properly. She suddenly realised that she is no longer with her group. " ok bye take care" saying so she jogged back to the group.
Kabir standing still was watching the girl going and finally she disappeared from the surrounding.


When Kabir got back to his home he saw his mother worrying about him when he saw her he ran to his mother and hugged her. " I am okay" he said through his hand signs.

At the restaurant when everyone was having their lunch subhasmita was still thinking about that boy he looked so calm and sad .
Anushka suddenly shooked her and Said" why are you not eating " " if you don't want to eat then I can help you " saying so she was going to take something from her plate but Subhii held her hands and gazed at her like she was saying that ' don't you dare to touch my food ' .

At night also subhii was thinking about that boy and thought if they could meet once again and drifted to slumber.


At night Kabir was also thinking about that eyes who were genuinely worried for him. He thought to himself ' what if we met together ' unknowingly a small smile crept to his lips and slept in her thoughts.

Hey guys there I hope you liked this part it is longer than the other parts . Stay tuned byeee


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