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I couldn't bare the fact of seeing Fatima tonight. I had to leave immediately. I call up one of my close bros Jean to see if he wanted to meet me at a local bar.

I walk into loud bar, and immediately ask for two shots of henny. I need to get my mind off of everything that is going on. Damn I miss her.

I feel someone tap me on shoulder, I turn around to see Jean. We do our brotherly hug, and he takes a seat next to me. He orders a shot of Hennessy.

Jean-bro what's good? You sounded like you was in distraught on the phone...

Zac-I'm good brother

Jean-Zac you know we brothers right? I know you better than you know yourself sometimes...

Zac-what's that suppose to mean Jean?

Jean-it means that whenever you call me to a bar...you tryna drink the pain away...so bro talk to me?

Zac sighs and orders another shot, he quickly takes it to the head.

Zac-I seen her tonight


Zac looks at him with his low eyes, as the shots start to kick in his system.

Jean-fuck...Fatima bro?

The bartender gives another shot to Zac. Jean tries to push it away. Zac reluctantly takes another one to the head.

Jean-bro alright that's enough

Zac-bro she couldn't even look at me...she didn't want to talk to me...

Jean-bro...I thought you was over her...

Zac-I thought I was...

Jean-what you mean you thought?

Zac-bro until tonight...I just seen her...even her scent made me want her...and then my home girl which is her best friend her dude proposed to her...I locked eyes with Fatima during that moment...and bro...I just couldn't take it, so I left out...

Jean-damn bro...but what about your woman now?

Zac-what about her bro?

Jean-I mean Zac...don't you love her?

Zac-man of course I do...but the love Fatima and I had for one another was unexplainable...

Jean-well you've got to find a way to get over that shit...

Zac grabs another shot, Jean tries to take it away from him again.

Jean-and not by getting drunk

Zac shakes his head

Zac-I'm just trying to get my mind on straight...I can't see her for a while...

Jean-well don't look over there...

Fatima POV
I decided to leave the engagement party a little early. I need a few drinks to clear my head.

As I was heading to the nearby bar, I decided to call up one of my high school friends I reconnected with over the past couple of months.


Kyle-T what's good baby?

Fatima-well, you busy?

Kyle-that depends...what you on?

Fatima-all I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at this bar for drinks?

Kyle smiles to himself, he has always had a thing for Fatima since High School, but he's never made a move out of respect. He got excited about her request to see him.

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