Walk out.

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Fatima POV
I don't even feel like going to this party tonight. I'm so afraid of running into Zac especially after the day I've had today.

I force myself to get up and get ready. I look in the mirror and put my hair in a slick bun, with my fitted black dress, my black Louboutins and my gold jewelry. My phone buzzes I see it's Danni facetiming me.

Danni-you look cute...I'm wearing all black too...helps me look slim

She shows me her outfit in the camera

Fatima-okay I see you hot mammaaa

Danni-thank you T...are you driving? Or do you need us to come get you?

Fatima-nah...I'm going to drive just in case I got to get the fuck out when you know who comes in

Danni-yeah I feel you...well we are getting ready to head out...just stay close to me tonight, I know you're nervous.

Fatima just smiles and nods okay, and with that they hang up, and Fatima starts to head out.

Angela POV

I am sooo happy for Tonios new restaurant opening! And honestly just to have all my friends in one room tonight...it's been so long since we've all seen each other.

Tonio comes up behind me and wraps his strong arms around me, snapping me out of my thoughts, I turn around and reach up to give him a kiss.

Tonio-you look beautiful

He says as he leans his forehead on mine, I can't help but to blush.

Angela-you don't look too bad yourself

He chuckles and pulls away, to grab his iPad.

Angela-you ready for tonight?

Tonio-I am baby...I think it will be a good turn out

Angela-oh most definitely baby, my friends are really looking forward to come and check out the new spot. You know your spot you have now is like our home.

Tonio smiles really big, and he pulls her into him.

Tonio-listen tonight is just not special for me, but it's also going to be really special for you.

Angela raises her eyebrows in confusion.

Tonio-I mean baby just to have your friends all together again

Angela-oh yeah, that's going to be fun...well I hope so...

Tonio-why you say that?

Angela-I mean I'm kinda worried about the whole Zac and Fatima drama

Tonio-well did you invite Zac?

Angela-I mean yeah babe...he's like a brother to me and T knows that...and she knows I invited him

Tonio-well since they are both aware that they may see each other, then it should be okay. Maybe a little awkward but it should be okay.

Angela sighs and shrugs her shoulder. Tonio kisses her on the forehead.

Tonio-it's going to be okay baby.

And with that said, people start to come in.

Fatima POV
I get my car valet. I nervously walk into the new bar/restaurant. I can hear the music blaring from outside.

Wow, this is a beautiful spot I say to myself as I look around. And make my way through the crowd. I lock eyes with Angela.

She screams and runs over to me.

Zatima: We really doing this...The SequelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt