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A/N: ik you all are proud of me fr, i have made 21(including the headcannons) chapters :D YOU GUYS HAPPY OR WHAT?? ok. Anyways, sorry :')

Vance pov....

I was with finn for like 2 hours before we fell asleep. It wasnt at night and it wasnt that long of sleep so ig it was just a nap. "vance.." i hear finn softly say. "hm?" I hum, just waking up. "how long did we sleep?" He asks. "like 3 hours, i think" i say, rubbing his back with my thumb. "oh.." he says. "lets go see if my aunt and henry is here yet, please" he says-- or asks? Idk if he was asking or telling. "okay" i say, slowly getting up. He gets up aswell and we go downstairs. "Henry? Auntie??" He says, looking around. "i guess they still arent here.. you wanna go out?" He says. "i- uh sure?? That was a change of mood fr" i say. "Oh yeah, sorry" he says, giggling. I just hum, letting him know i heard him. We decide to go to the park for a while. Its like 6pm rn so the park closes in 2 hours but its okay bc we can sneak back in here easly. He texts his aunt, letting her know that were at the park. She respondes with "okay, oh btw henry and i arent gonna be able to come home tonight. We have this really important meeting in the morning thats like 4 hours away. So we decided to get a hotel. Andddd your sister is at her friends, again" finney just says okay and puts his phone in his pocket again. We walk aroun the park, hand in hand for about 20 minuetes before a cop comes up to us. "hey, sorry to bother you guys. But i was wondering if youve seen this kid in school or anywhere?" He asks, showing us a picture. "wait...isnt that your classmate? Or am i trippin since i did only see them for like 10 minuetes.." finn says. Wait.. hes right. That looks like Alec. "is his name Alec?" I ask. The cop nods. "then yessir, i saw him at school today" i say. "so he IS hiding...okay, thanks kid! Oh btw you might be called in for questioning, so if i may, can i have your phone number?" He asks. "uhh sure" i say, writing the number down. "thanks! We will call you if we need any more information" he says, before walking away and talking on the little speaker thing. "uhh tf was that" i say, taking finns hand again. He interlocks our fingers and says "idek at this point..." finn says. "oml finn, can we go to wally world???" I ask. "uhhh sure?? But why????" He asks. "imma apply for a job and i just wanna go bc our walmart be wild asf, its like were in ohio fr" i say. "DUDE I JUST RELIZED I HAVENT BEEN TO WORK IN LIKE 4 WEEKS.. I NEED TO GO TO WORK AGAIN." he says. "but anyways, you wanna work at wally world?" He adds. "kinda...i kinda feel like it would be fun- or well, funny" i say, putting my arm around his waist. "How tf would it be funny??" He asks. "bc i wanna hear those old people talk about times they almost died or something. Idk, finn" i say. "uh huh..well, i guess we can go" he says, taking my hand and dragging me to his car. I glare at him bc like i dont let anyone drag me anywhere. But i guess i can make a acception for him...i guess..anyways.

We get into his car and drive to wally world. We find the manager person. "um, miss?" I ask. "yes?" She says, looking up from here work. "i called earlier, to fill oit the application.." i say, grabbing finneys hand bc like im nervous asf. Idk why tho bc this mf is my cousin. But i gotta be 'professional' rn bc on the other people in here. "oh! You must be vance! You guys can fill out this application out there, and jist bring it back to me, please" she says, handing me this packet thing. "yes maam" i say, turning around with finney. We sit in the break room type thing and i fill out the papers. "the fuck- what does that even mean?" I say, flabbergasted at the big words they be using. "it means, have you ever worked at a place like this before" finn says, giggling. "oh...uhhhhh.....does the mall count?" I ask. "uhh yeah? I think so" he says.

"uhm why do they need to know my dating life??" I say, suspiciously. "probaly so they can gossip about you, V" he says. "if any one says anything homophobic i will punch them." Vance says. "no you wont. You cant, actually" finn says. "i will" i argue. "no" finney he says.
"I will"

"No bitch"

"yes i will. Bc if they say something then i will get mad and say so-" i get interrupted by finney grabbing my face and making me look at him. "no you wont...simply because, you can lose your job like that and it reports on your future job application things, and you will have trouble finding a job that wilm accept you." He explains. I stopped listening about half way. Idk why but that was so hot when he did that. Like bro the gayness is showing rn. "that was hot." I say, smirking. His face goes red. "just finish the mf packet" he says, letting my face go. I chuckle while finishing the packet.

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