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thursday at 3am

Robin- are you guys okay?

Vance- yeah i just hurt my knee kinda bad

Bruce- how?

Vance- id rather not talk about it rn

Billy- is finney okay? And vance, that sounded hella suspicous

Vance- hes okay, hes just freaking out bc of what happed

Bruce- oh um bc of yall getting chased?

Vance- no..something else but yall dont know about it

Griffin- fuck um will you ever tell us what happened?

Vance- maybe, whenever he calms down

Robin- okay

Vance- we gtg were at his house and we gotta sneak in to clean my knee

Bruce- okay, bye!!

Robin- bye vance

Billy- bye :D

Griffin- buh bye!

Vance pov: we sneaked into his house, suprisingly quietly. He shows me where his bathroom is and he go in there. "sit on that and ill get the healing items" he says, obviously still freaked out. I say okay and he leaves to get the supplies. I hope hes okay..i mean, i guess i would be pretty freaked out to if a man jumped on me and was saying those inapropaite things to me..not to mention, that he hit the man with a rock and his head. Well, for me the rock part wouldnt even bother me but since finney dosent really like violence, he dont do that stuff. That man, though...I hope the police finds him and fucking hurts him. A old ass man has no right to say that shit to a fucking teen. Thats fucking disgusting, and to think if i wouldve left him he couldve gotten...Sexually assulted or even possibly...raped. shit shit shit shit. Why are my eyes watering?! And where the fuck is finney- oh there he is. He walks back into the bathroom and sits the medical things on the counter. He gets a paper towel and wets it, putting it to my knee. Not gonna lie, the cold water against the big ass cut feels good. He is really good at this, like REALLY good. He cleaned the cut extremely good and then said "this might hurt a bit, vance" hes voice isnt that shakey anymore so i guess hes calmed down some. "how bad on a scale 1 to 10" i say, just trying to make the akwardness go the fuck away. "uhhh for me its bout' like a 7 and a half" he says, giggling a bit. "so for me its probaly gonna be like a 5?" I say, proudly. "yeah, sure" he says, smiling. "imma poor it on three, okay?" He says, concentrated. "alright" i say, litterally not giving a fuck. "1.......2.........3" he says, pouring the acohol on it. The fuck? Is this supposed to hurt? This shit is litterally non painful. "is that it?" I ask. "yeah...did it not hurt?" He says, looking at me blankly. "no...no it didnt hurt at all" i say, giggling a bit. He continues to wrap my leg and finally, were done. "we can to my room, if you'd like" he says, helping me off the counter. "sure, finney" i say, walking to his room. He leads me around his big ass house and finally we get to him room. And suprisingly, it was a lot of posters and shit on the walls. I thought it would be like plain or whatever. "you can sit on my bed" he says, smiling at me. I go to his messy ahh bed and sit down. "so tf we gonna do now?" He asks, sitting beside me. "idk man" i say, giggling. "oh! I got this new horror movie, you wanna watch it??" He asks, eyes litting up. "fuck yeah!" I say, smiling. He puts the movie on the dvd player and we start watching.

Its about in the middle of the movie, and a NASTY ass jumpscare just happened. Like bro that shit made me flinch. Finney ended up flinching so hard he kind like hugged me? I slip a hand over his, intertwining our fingers. He looks at me and blushes but quickly looks away, not wanting me to see. I chuckle and ngl i blushed a little myself. But whenever he gets scared he like squeezes my hand. Finally, the movie is over and the credits are rolling. He gets up to put another movie in but a fucking jumpscare happened again which caused him to fall over. "fuck that was brutal" he says, laughing his ass off. "are you good?" I say, also laughing. "yeah i think so, my ass hurts tho" he says, putting the other movie in. "oh, by the way, this movie is called Spree" he says. (A/N i love that movie sm) ive never seen that movie, so hopefully its good. Its apparently not horror so idk if ill like it but ill watch it.

"KILL THAT BITCH...YUHHHH" i say, hella interested in this movie. Finney is just laughing his ass off bc of my comments from earlier. "FINALLY HIS RACIST HOMOPHBOBIC ASS IS OUT OF THERE" i say, smiling proudly. "the fuck...OH IS HE GAY-" I say, suprised. "IDFK HE LOOKS IT BUT BROS WITH THAT GIRL SO IDK" he says, still laughing. (Their talking about when Kurt picks that guy and girl up)

"NOOO FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, WHY DID HE DIE" I practically yell when Kurt dies. "IK HE SHOULDNT HAVE DIED. FUCK THAT GIRL" Finney says. "her ugly ass better go to jail fr" i say. Finney gets up, which means he took his hand away from mine. I felt cold, like i needed his warmth. Thats the gayest shit ive ever said istg. He puts his tv back on like regular tv and sits back down. He didnt hold me hand, though. Without thinking, i put my hand on his and intertwined our fingers. Once i relized what i had done i blushed quite deep but played it off as a friends holding hand thing. I took a quick glance at him and hes also blushing. Does he possibly like me romanticlly? No. Theres no way he does. Fuck, i would blush to if i was him. "wait finney, when your aunt wakes up and if she comes in here, wont she see me? And youll get in trouble?" I ask, looking at him. "no, she wont see you because i know she always wakes up at exactly 5 in the morning and she comes in here around 5:30 to tell me that shes going to work. So when it hits 5:30 just hide in the closet and whenever she leaves ill tell you to get out" he says, glancing at the tv. "Uh huh. Well, finney its 5:29 right now soooo" i say, getting up and going to his closet. "fuck for real?" He says, checking the time. I go ahead and get in the closet quickly and i stand in the far corner. i hear finney quickly walk across the room and get something, then goes back to his bed and lays down. I few minuetes later i hear his door open. And for some fucking reason, as soon as the door opened i needed to sneeze. I grabbed my phone and texted finney saying "im about to sneeze real shit" and then i hear finney tell his aunt "im about to go back to sleep, though. Have a good day at work" his aunt says something and then leaves his room. We wait a minute then hear the front door shut. I walk out the closet and sit back down on his bed. "sooo what are we gonna do today?" I say, smirking. "uhm, vance, we havent slept at all. We need sleep" he says, cuddling the blankets. "but finneyyyyyy" i beg, pulling his arm. "nooo lay down..." he says, already half asleep. "ughhhh fine" i say, laying down beside him. My phone buzzes.

The gc

Robin- hey so um can we know what happened now?

Vance- oh, yeah. So basically while we was running the older man threw something at me, causing me to fall. Finney like tried to help me up and whatever, so while we was getting up the old man jumped on finney and the dog bit the fuck outta my knee. But why finney was so freaked out was bc of what that man was saying, he was saying really, REALLY inaproppiate things to him. And finney hit him on his head with a rock, which really made finney freak bc he hates violence with older people. So yeah just dont bring it up to him, okay.

Bruce- oh..fuck uh okay

Robin- im gonna go think deeply about that and cry

Griffin- ...people are disgusting.

Billy- fr.

Vance- ok yall stfu, hes sleeping and his phone constantly buzzing is causing him to wake up a little bit

Billy- okay

Griffin- k

End of chapter

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