513 11 1

Monday at 2:43pm

Vance: hellooooo bitchhhhh??? Look i fucked up that dude for you now you finna give me my damn money

Finney: i think you have the wrong number

Vance: oh shit my bad dude

Finney: its okay :D

Vance: so random ass question but have you like ever did something bad(?) For someone and then they said they would pay you but like they dont? Bc i need to know what to do to get my damn money

Finney: uhhh i have been in a situation like that once, i just kinda blackmailed him into giving me my money. Since your most likely good at fighting, you could threaten to fight him.

Vance: shit thats a good idea ill do it

Finney: well, if you want tell me how it goes :) but i gtg bc stupid collage rules

Vance: alr bye

Finney: bye!

End of this chapter

wrong number? [Vance x finney]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ