Sick Day

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Branch: Poppy...wake up, we're home.

Poppy began to stir in Branch's arms, her hands flew to her eyes as she rubbed them gently. Branch carefully laid her down in her soft bed and tucked her under the covers to keep her warm.

Poppy: B-Branch...?

Branch: Hey sleepyhead. Got the flu, didn't you?

Branch placed a hand on Poppy's forehead, she was burning up.

Poppy: Branch...I feel sick.

Branch: I know, sweetheart, you look banged up. Don't worry, I'll stay right here until you're back on your feet.

Poppy nodded and curled up under the bed sheets, she was too cold to emerge from them. As soon as she got out of bed, she would be as cold as an iceberg.

Branch: Need anything?

Poppy: Just a water...

Branch nodded and left for a few minutes before coming back with a glass of water.

Branch: Here, I cooled it down for you.

Poppy smiled weakly and took the cup in her hands. She began to take soft sips letting the cool water soothe her parched throat.

Branch: Is that better?

Poppy: Uh huh...thanks, Branch. I feel terrible...

Poppy looked terrible. Branch pulled up a chair and sat next to her holding her hand. He felt awful seeing her in such a state...being caught in a rainstorm was no fun, especially for her.

Branch: Stay in bed, okay? Rest is the best medicine.

Poppy smiled weakly at her beloved boyfriend.

Poppy: Since when did you become a nurse, Branchie?

Branch: Well...let's just say Spruce had me babysit his kids a lot and...boy do they get messy.

Poppy: O-Oh...I'm sorry, Branch.

Branch: No, it's okay, totally fine, I got used to it. Right now, I'm just worried about you.

Poppy blushed at Branch showing concern for her, he really did have a gold heart, and it was always beating just for her.

Branch: Here, you can borrow this.

Branch gently draped a warm blanket over Poppy, tucking it around her shoulders so she would stay warm.

Poppy: What's this?

Branch: My grandma made me this blanket after I was born, it's one of the few things I have left of her.

Poppy watched as Branch held part of the blanket and smelled its aroma.

Branch: It still has her scent, always makes me feel better when I'm having a rough day.

Poppy:'re lucky.

Branch: Me?

Poppy: Uh have such a big family...your brothers, your grandma...your niece and nephews...and I hardly have anybody.

What? Where was that coming from? Branch wondered if Poppy was getting kinda loopy from being sick...but based off her tone, she didn't sound like she was goofing off.

Branch: Poppy...what do you mean?

Poppy: Um...I've said too much.

Branch: No, no, tell me. I'm your boyfriend, I wanna help you if something's bugging you.

Poppy: Um...I hardly have any family, Branch...sometimes I just feel out of place. Up until recently, I believe my father was my only family...he never told me about Viva. Plus, he still hasn't told me about my mom...I've only heard a few things from Viva...but that's it. I just...I don't know,'s like my family's...fragmented.

Branch couldn't believe what he was hearing, he had absolutely no idea that Poppy felt this way. Fragmented? There was no way that was true.

Branch: Poppy, look at me.

Poppy looked up at Branch, her eyes red and droopy.

Branch: What makes you think that?

Poppy: I guess I just...don't have a big you do. I don't know anything about my mom, my dad's very protective of me...and I just found out that I have an older sister that...didn't get to see me grow up.

Branch: Hey...

Poppy gasped softly when Branch took her in his arms wrapping his grandma's blanket around her. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead and held her head against his chest.

Branch: You don't have a fragmented family, Poppy, your family's...unique. I don't have my parents in my life...but I'm still happy with my brothers.

Poppy: O-Oh...I-I'm sorry, Branch...I didn't realize-

Branch: Not your fault, sweetie, okay? No need to apologize.

Poppy looked down and slightly coughed. She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose.

Poppy: Branch...I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable...I guess whenever I get sick, I just start thinking all these random things.

Branch: No need for apologies, Poppy, everyone's different. Between you and me...I hallucinate when I get sick.

Poppy stifled a laugh but stopped when she started to feel dizzy.

Branch: Whoa, whoa, watch the emotions, you don't wanna get a migraine.

Branch gently laid Poppy back down and her dizziness subsided. He tucked her bed sheets around her shoulders ensuring that she stay warm.

Poppy: S-Sorry, I won't tell anyone...

Branch: Good, what happens in the pod stays in the pod.

Poppy: Deal.

Poppy suddenly let out a soft yawn and began to rub her eyes.

Branch: Tired?

Poppy: I think so...

Poppy got into a comfortable position and closed her eyes succumbing to sleep. Branch couldn't help but smile when he saw how adorable she looked when she was sleeping. He adjusted her bed sheets and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

Branch: Sleep well, Poppy, I love you so so so much.

Branch stayed by Poppy's side throughout her recovery, and doing his best to make her feel whole... and hopefully to give her a complete family like she's always wanted. To become a part of her family...and the king of the Pop long as it was with her, it would mean the whole world to him.

Trolls: Broppy One ShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara