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This is a follow up of "Why Are We Friends?"

Poppy: Ugh! Let go of me, Barb! Let go!

Branch gasped and wiped his tears when he heard screaming nearby, Poppy was closer than he thought!

Branch: Poppy?!

Tucking her crown in his hair, Branch dashed to where he heard Poppy's distressed cry. He pushed back two shrubs and gasped when he saw Poppy being pushed into an angler bus by two Rock Trolls.

Barb: You know...I gotta owe you, Popsqueak, you delivered the pop string right to me without even realizing.

Poppy: I did nothing to help you! Tell your buddies to let me go! I know hair jitsu and I'm not afraid to use it!!!

Barb:, I kinda need you for my concert as an honored guest, so...yeah, that's not happening. Lock her up.

Poppy was tossed into one of the angler buses and it zipped up before she could react.

Poppy: Barb! You don't have to do this! We're all meant to live in harmony, let me out!

But Poppy's voice was drowned out by Barb's loud music.

Barb: Head to Volcano Rock City!

Branch: No!

As the angler buses began to take off, Branch grabbed hold of the one Poppy was locked in, keeping a tight grip and remaining undetected. Poppy looked outside the bus, not knowing what was about to happen or where she was being taken.

 Poppy looked outside the bus, not knowing what was about to happen or where she was being taken

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Poppy started to hyperventilate the closer they got to Volcano Rock City, the angler bus hitting intense turbulence causing her to bounce off the walls.

Poppy: Ouch! Ow! Ow!

When the angler bus landed, Poppy fell hard on her side feeling the rough impact. She looked outside and saw that they were at the dreaded city she hoped she wouldn't have to see. She gasped when she heard the bus being unzipped and shuffled backwards shielding her face.

Poppy: Go away!!! GO AWAY!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!

?: Poppy, it's just me.

Poppy uncovered her face and gasped when she saw Branch outside the bus, she immediately ran up to him and leapt into his arms in a tight koala hug.

Poppy: Branch! I was so scared...she got hold of the string and-

Branch: I know, I know...

Branch carefully sat Poppy down and kissed her forehead, she began to sob hugging herself.

Poppy: I tried to stop her, but I was ambushed, she wouldn't listen when I tried to get through to her, she kept taunting me and-

Branch: Shhhhhhhhhhh I know, you're safe now, deep breaths.

Poppy squeezed Branch tightly, her face buried in his chest.

Poppy: I'm so sorry, Branch, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.

Branch: Hey, hey, hey, I should be apologizing. I was an idiot for blurting out what I said to you.

The two suddenly heard Rock Trolls nearby and Branch gently nudged Poppy somewhere they wouldn't be detected or caught.

Poppy: ...Branch, truth.

Branch: Yeah?

Poppy: ...Do you really not know why you saved me?

Poppy looked down at the scar on her arm, not only a reminder from her reminder, but also a reminder of the harrowing events with the Bergens a few months ago.

Branch: Poppy, that's crazy talk, I was stupid earlier. Of course I know why I did.

Poppy looked up at Branch and he gently touched her scarred arm.

Branch: It's because I care about you, seeing you breaks my heart.

Poppy: It does...?

Branch: A lot, Poppy, a lot.

Poppy looked down wiping her tears and covering her face.

Branch: What's wrong?

Poppy: I'm not a good queen, Branch...I didn't listen to you and put everyone in danger...our friends, my dad...the other trolls tribes too...even you.

Branch: Hey...

Poppy looked up at Branch and he gently lifted her chin so she was looking directly at him.

Branch: You're right, Poppy, I know you struggle with listening to others, but you've only been queen for a little while, you're still learning. But none of this was your fault. I have to admit...I was wrong too. Even if we did stay behind, Barb would've still found us and the string.

Poppy: But she got it...she's gonna use it along with all the other strings to destroy music.

Branch: That's not gonna happen, Poppy, you know why? Because we always find a way out of disaster. You're braver than you know, and I know you'll do the right thing in the end.

Poppy: Really...?

Branch: I know you, Poppy, you'll put a stop to this.

Branch handed Poppy her crown and she took it hesitantly. She thought for a moment before putting it back on her head.

Poppy: ...I think you mean we'll put a stop to this.

Poppy and Branch both embraced, their hug time bracelets shimmering like little diamonds.

Branch: That's the spirit, I'm proud of you, Poppy.

Poppy: Thank you, Branch...that means a lot...because I really need your help.

Branch nodded and got up helping Poppy to her feet and dusting her off. They both saw Barb preparing to use the strings, and they nodded at each other, ready to put an end to her destructible performance.

Trolls: Broppy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now