Path To Recovery

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?: Poppy...Poppy...wake up, please...!

That was all Poppy could make out, being trapped in a dark void felt like a prison to her, she easily recognized the voice of her beloved fiancé, but she couldn't talk to him nor hug him, she was plunged into darkness alone, unable to make contact with anything or anyone. She couldn't even remember how she ended up like this in the first place. All she remembered was going rock climbing with her sister, but she lost grip of the wall and everything went black after that. She hugged her knees and sobbed silently not liking this new reality.

Poppy: I miss you, Branch...


It felt like an eternity before Poppy finally started to regain consciousness, she rubbed her eyes before slowly opening them. It took a while for her vision to adjust before she realized she was in her bedroom in her pod. She turned to her side and saw Branch fast asleep on a chair next to her. How long had he been there for?

Poppy: Branch...?

The pop queen reached out to touch him but she suddenly winced and clutched her stomach. She lifted her shirt slightly and saw a bandage around her torso. Wow...she must've had quite a fall for this to happen. What had happened? She didn't remember much other than falling from a rock wall. She laid back down on her bed and stared at the ceiling for a couple minutes before Branch started waking up from his nap.

Branch: Poppy...?

When he saw his beloved fiancée awake, he could barely hold back his emotions.

Branch: Poppy! You're awake!

Poppy gasped and turned around just in time for Branch to give her a long hug. Her eyes welled up with tears and she hugged him back.

Poppy: Branch...I missed you so much.

Branch: Me too, Poppy, you have no idea how tormented I was when you had that accident!

Poppy: Accident...?

Branch: You don't remember?

Poppy: No...I just remember going rock climbing with Viva...and it's just fuzzy from there.

Branch's heart broke when he heard that from Poppy, he carefully picked her up careful not to hurt her and sat her on his lap. She buried her face in his chest and tightly gripped his vest.

Branch: Viva said you lost grip of the rock wall and fell pretty've been unconscious for almost a week. 

Poppy: A week...?!

Branch: Yeah...about 5 days, are you feeling?

Poppy: Like I got punctured with a thousand balloons...

Branch gently caressed Poppy's back and she started to sob silently, soaking his vest with her tears.

Poppy: Branch...I heard you...

Branch: Heard me what...?

Poppy: Talking to me...I heard everything...and I really wanted to hug you...but it was like being blocked off from an exquisite party...I couldn't do anything other than listen to you...I just wanted to give you a hug...!

Branch: Oh Poppy...

Poppy: I just wanted to hug you...!

Poppy tightened her grip on Branch's vest and he held her closer running his fingers through her hair to comfort her.

Branch: Was it scary?

Poppy: Very...

Branch: I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Poppy...I really am. The important thing is that you're here now. And this will never happen to you again while I'm around.

Poppy: Never...?

Branch: Ever.

Poppy blushed and inched closer to Branch, her head resting comfortably on his chest. Just being able to hug him made her feel whole again, she loved him so much.

Branch: Here, Poppy.

Branch carefully laid Poppy back down on her bed, covering her with her bed sheets. He cupped her face lightly and kissed her forehead.

Poppy: Thank you...

Branch: Your wounds are pretty bad, Poppy, you shouldn't move around so much.

Poppy: Okay...

Branch: Here, sip this.

Branch handed Poppy a glass of water and she took a few sips, quenching her thirst.

Poppy: Branch...did you stay with me this whole time?

Branch: Absolutely, Poppy, I love you so much, I'm willing to do anything to make you smile.

Poppy: Oh Branch...

Poppy reached for Branch's hand and held it gently, their fingers intertwining. 

Branch: Poppy...sing with me.

Poppy: Really...?

Branch: Of course, it'll help you feel a little better.

Poppy agreed and they both sang a heartfelt duet together.

🎶I see your true colors shining through (true colors)
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow
Oh, like a rainbow

Poppy felt better singing with Branch, his soothing voice never failed to bring her comfort whenever she needed it. It was like a lullaby whenever he sang to her, or even just talked to her, he was perfect. She continued to hold his hand until she started to feel a wave of drowsiness overcome her.

Branch: Rest, Poppy, we have plenty of time to catch up...and thankfully, we'll be able to get married soon.

Poppy: Thank you for everything, Branch...

Poppy let out a soft yawn and nestled into her bed sheets drifting into a peaceful sleep, setting out on the road to recovery with her beloved fiancé by her side.

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