sweet like jalebi

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Swirling  saffron, encircling, unflagging the pennants held high, sweet taste of swarajya! 

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Swirling  saffron, encircling, unflagging the pennants held high, sweet taste of swarajya! 

Har! Har! Mahadev!

In the hot oil of sweat, blood and no fears deep-fried - to free their motherland all odds defied!

 With slivering-steel slash and swift-steed, Maratha upon Mughal marauders avenged double-fold! Dust devilled the daggers' dervish dance, to be destroyed swiftly by light cavalry lance!

Jai Bhavani!

High and mighty Aurangzeb's forty thousand  - twice the number of Shivaji's side - yet was the tyrant cut to size - by Morpant and Prataprao, generals  who were twice as wise!

Smooth as silk they moved

One to the side and one to fore

Struck the enemy right in the core

Trumpets triumph and drums dhoom-dhoom 

Overhead the heat and the vultures zoom 

Har! Har! Mahadev!

Out on the plains and not just on the peaks

Proving their skill, Maratha perfection seeks

Generals and divisions all working as one

Thus was the Battle of Salher with strategy won!

Hail to Shivaji! 

Mind like a steel-trap,  his strategy  a spider's silk

Full-force of the mountain waterfalls pure as milk

History of our country  - Shivaji plays a great part

Captured forts and captured the nation's heart

Jai Bhavani!


A/N - a short free-verse rendition of the historic Battle of Salher circa 1672, when Shivaji's small light-infantry army thrashed the massive Mughal army, thus regaining a significant amount of their motherland.  

Reference source]https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_of_Salher 

 Jalebi Pathak in Maratha Army used for close quarter combat. It was formation comprised of expert swordsman, mens with spears and flexible swords aka दांडपट्टा. This formation is mainly used as a spearhead of attack in close quarters. This formation has a unique style like weapon holders are used to be changed continuously as per their need to keep surprise element eg. If sone 5 warriors are fighting with swords then suddenly they will change their positions with other 5 warriors with spears or long flexible swords that creates confusion among their adversaries. The sweet-meat Jalebi has a spiral shape.[Source: Quora]

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