Alastor and Mental Awareness

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⚠️⚠️⚠️ This chapter may be sensitive for those with mental health issues. There is a small topic of religion but it's not that big. If you want to skip to the bottom, there is a small summery with the main idea. It is next to three symbols like this: ⚠️⚠️⚠️

After your walk you teleport home. You see there are no cars, and the door is locked. Something's not right. You would call home, but your phone is in another part of the world. Alastor teleports you into your room, and you explore the house. He follows you closely; most likely to protect you, and you come to the conclusion that you are alone.

You sit at the counter and open your personal computer and look on Life 360. Your phone is in Florida with your mother, your father is picking up your brother. "Everything alright dear?" You look up at him to find him leaning on his forearms on the counter. "Well. I found the missing phone."


"Florida. And my father is picking up my brother." You look back up to see Alastor looking around your home. "I haven't been out of my shadow form in this part of the building." You giggle. "Do you like it?" He walks towards the fireplace. "This confuses me. You have a fire but no chimney."

"It's electric."

"Ah. That explains it." He rolls his eyes which makes you smile more. "Did you eat today?" You look down. "Yes." You lie. Alastor snaps his fingers, and a sandwich (Your choice) appears in front of you. You look at him and tilt your head, narrowing your eyes. "Eat it." Alastor says as he runs his fingers over the books. On the right side of the fireplace is a tall, chocolate brown, wooden bookshelf. "Those are pretty old books. Half of them are in Chinese."

"You seem to have most of my favorites."

"You're from the 1920s and 30s, right?" You say after taking a bite. "Yes, I never thought that many books would still be around."

"Welp, they are. My father loves history and reading."

"I can tell."

After you finish eating, you walk to your room, Alastor hot on your trail. "You don't have to be so close to me."

"As I said before, I can't let my new project get hurt."

"That sounds so negative. Is there a reason why you aren't saying "you" instead?"

"Would you like me too?"

"Yes, I would." You cross your arms and sit on your bed. "Do you have any work for other classes?"

"Not that I can think of." You walk over to your backpack and bring it back to your bed. You take out folders and binders and go through papers and assignments. "One math, one history." You then open your computer and find an email from your early college professor. "And an annoying email to respond to." You close your computer and lay back on your bed. You feel the bed dip and you sit up. "I can help you if you want." Alastor suggests. You smile at him and nod. "I would like that. Only my desk is a mess." You say as you look over at the atrocious mess, you call your desk. He snaps his fingers, and the desk is cleared and organized. "How the fuck?!" You turn to him as he laughs. "I'm more than just my good looks, darling."

"Shut up." You playfully shove him and laugh. He chuckles and stands. You follow him to the desk and sit down. He uses his "magic" to summon another chair. Your math paper appears in front of you, and you start working on it. Polynomials are easy for you, but when it comes to graphing them, it's like hell broke into war.

"x to the 5th + 10x to the 4th + 37x cubed +60x squared + 36x = x(x+2) squared, (x+3) squared." You bang your head on the table. "Ugh! I hate these."

"You can do this. What's the first step?" You shrug, your head still on the table. "You can look at your notes." You look at the top of your paper. "Find the intercepts?"

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