Chapter 30: Party Plan Pt.2

Start from the beginning

Dates, revelry... everyone would think it's all fun and games.

There's no one else so I can say whatever I want. Who's gonna stop me? Ooor... do you have a better idea.

He tilt his head.

...Not really. You should do whatever makes you happy.

Your glasses clink together. You and Rafayel both share a knowing smile. The slightly cold wine slides down your throat and sneaks into your body like a cunning breeze. The merriment around you seems even more vivid.

I had a feeling you've been in a good mood for a while. Am I wrong?

Rafayel take a few steps towards you and lean closer.

Is it obvious? You know, I'm even happier now than I was a moment ago.


As if it to make sure you can "feel" it, Rafayel props his chin up with one hand and moves his face much closer to you. His smile and mirthful eyes aren't just obvious. They seemingly tinged with red wine.

What is it? Are you feeling it? Or are you drunk?

The crisp clink of your glass hitting the table draws your attention somewhere else. You see there's a red liquid inside it. You blink.

(We're not even close to being drunk.) You... didn't give me a milk earlier just so we could drink wine, right?

Oooooor maybe it was meant to be eaten with the strawberry cake.

He looks at you frowning.

You're not saying I'm some kinda mastermind who can control the weather, are you?

Well...not quite that omnipotent.

Carefree, Rafayel chuckles and lazily taps the glass.

Hold off on the alcohol for now. Didn't you prepare a lot of party games? Shouldn't we play first?

They're meant to be played with a lot of people... I've also practice my dance moves-

Rafayel walks over the sound system, and a song starts playing. A soothing piano melody fills the air as he extends a hand towards you. It's an invitation to dance.

Wanna tell me who you practice dancing with?

You froze for a second. You remember the last few days with Xavier.

Uh..m-my coat rack at home.

You look below and play with your hands. Rafayel slightly laugh and walk towards you. He pick up your hand.

Next time you need a practice partner, choose someone you're more in tune with.

Are you volunteering?

Rafayel wraps his hands around your waist, moving in time with the song. His gentle touch and the distance between you and him are perfect. Your breathes, stained in the same, sweet red wine, intertwined and seemingly form a thread of intoxication.

It serves as a connection that pulls you closer and closer with an irresistible force until the music stops. The room is so quiet that you could hear the rain falling from outside.

Is this how you imagine the party would be?

...I don't know.

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