The B Game

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It was the next morning and Rutherford was still reeling from the anomoys text he recevied. He  decided to make a gc with him, Ein, Lukas and Aaron.

Rutherford: Call me Daniel seeing as we are going to be "mates"

Lukas: I ain't being mates with a killer who blamed my boyfriend

Aaron: We covereved up the murder so we are all in this together

Ein: I'm on Lukas with this one why should we cover for this stupid decetive and how are we  meant to know if he won't betray us

Lukas: Period

Rutherford: Don't treat me as your enemy

Ein: You know the saying 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer'

Lukas: Slayed

Rutherford: you're gonna have to teach me all  these new language you kids are using these days

Ein: First of all-

Aaron: Is it just me or are you guys getting these weird messages.

Ein: Err excuse me don't interrupt me

Aaron: Actually we have more important things to talk about that than your grudge aganist Rutherford

Ein: Huhh fine

Aaron:Messages like "I know what you did you 4 little liars hiding a secret"

Lukas: Giving me vibes of that show called pretty little liars

Ein: Fr they were four of them keeping deepest darkest secrets about them and their friend Alison knew all about  but guess what she wound up dead or did she- she was actually alive

Rutherford: what do you kids watch

Lukas: It's called being a teen

Rutherford: Ein and Lucas you show too much attidue

Lukas: You spelt my name wrong it it L-U-K-A-S with a 'K' not a 'c'
get it right

Ein: Let's meet up at my house I created this den


Aaron: You can't get to us

B: Oh but I can you guys are going to play by my rules no excuses complete each round and you get closer into finding out who I am if you don't get each round correct then you will face the consquences. Rember, this I am always on step ahead so be careful not to cross me or somebody dies....

Ein: Oooh chilling 😅

B: Each round gets harder and harder this will test your ablility cos I will stop at nothing to see you men suffer

Lukas: So you're a girl then

B: Bingo

Rutherford: Are you forgetting who I am young lady

B: No I remeber that you are a homcidal killer 

Ein,Lukas, Aaron and Rutherford meet up at Ein's den

"What are we going to do about this "B" girl" Ein says quietly

"Silence her" Lukas suggest

"We do not know who this woman is" Aaron mentions

"Then we question every woman we know" Rutherford adds

"That's them becuase then everyone will know" Lukas mentions

"We don't have to reveal our ulterior motive" Aaaron says 

"But still imagine if we are questioning "B" and she cover her tracks even more

"Then let's play her games if so we she reveals her identity" Aaron says

"Fine" they all say in unison 

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