Prologue Micheal

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He couldn't wait to see her. It had been months since the event at the club had taken place and she had been kidnapped. Apparently she was now living happily with an Alpha. Now she was proven to be an actual omega, everything had changed. 'Her' Alpha had kept her from seeing people because he was scared of what might happen to her. He guessed this is why people hardly ever saw an omega anymore. They were so incredibly rare that when an Alpha got hold of one, they became so possessive that the omegas were not allowed out.
But seeing as he had been Amira's closest friend, she had managed to talk him round and allow her to visit him. Of course the Alpha had insisted he was to accompany her, which was fine by Micheal. He desperately wanted to see the Alpha that had manage to take her from Fairchild . Grayson Fairchild was an Alpha who had worked for a skin factory.
A skin factory was a mafia type organisation, that trafficked betas into industries like sex slaves, prostitution and pornography. There was a lot of money in the industry and Amira had been taken by a small crew of collectors (the betas that found good looking breeds for the factory). They had taken her believing she was an unusual looking beta. However, when she was moved to the next rung up, the holder, she had been placed under Fairchild's custody He had become obsessed with her and didn't want to pass her on to the factory. When Amira's dynamic had eventually shown, Fairchild's wife, who came from a very well off Alpha family, had brought her father into the picture because she didn't want her husband, who was obsessing over an omega, ditching her, and ruining her families reputation.
That's when this new Alpha, Darius, came into play. Fairchild's father in law sent in a group of mercenaries to rescue all the girls incarcerated by Fairchild, including Amira, and get them far from Fairchild.
She and one of the mercenaries had fallen in love. Fairchild had flipped his lid over this, refusing to help the skin factory until 'his' omega was found. He then kidnapped the omega back and kept her against her will.
The skin factory were none too pleased at these antics, not just because they had lost a holder, but because the holder had also lost an omega, then refused to relinquish her and brought focus on to their operation.
They were going to clean this mess up - they had to. Far too many loose ends had been left, and Amira had seen far too many faces that were connected to the factory.
Micheal had, in the past, always hoped he and Amira would get together, but time after time he had made his feelings known and she had never given him the slightest hope of reciprocation. If she had? None of  this would have happened. If she had allowed their relationship to deepen, they would be together now- her still on suppressants and him with one fucking hot beta. Oh well can't think about what could have been- only what is.
He waited in his 'new' apartment for their arrival.
Darius had not wanted them to meet in public. Sensible. An omega would garner way too much attention, and honestly this worked in his favour too.
Amira had not seen this apartment yet. And hopefully not many people would see them arrive. Amira had told him they had pretty much been living off grid, squirrelled away in some cabin somewhere. So the chances of them making their destination known to anyone was small.
He still hadn't worked out in his mind how he was going to play this out, he figured he would just let it unwind in a natural fashion. He needed to see how they were with him before he decided on anything.
His door bell buzzed. Calmly setting his drink on a small table, he made his way to the door.
When he opened the door what he saw before him was pure beauty. Coming off the suppressants had done Amira a world of favours, she had been absolutely stunning before, but now, fucking glorious.
Her smile lit up the moment she saw him, flinging her arms round him she pulled him into a tight hug.
A growl came from the enormous Alpha next to her, an Alpha that until this moment, Micheal had taken very little notice of because until now, he had been totally encaptivated by Amira - he hadn't even glanced in the Alphas direction.
Amira pulled out of his arms and hit the Alpha's forearm, a forearm that could easily knock Micheal out with just a whack.
"Shut up silly, this is Micheal, I haven't seen him in months and you're getting all Alpha hole on me. Micheal," she said turning her focus back to me, "you look fantastic, and is this your new pad? Wow! It's a major step up isn't it? It's amazing, how do you afford this?"
She pushed past both the males and made her way into the living area.
"Well I always had a few extra lines of revenue you didn't know about, and they have recently paid off." He replied, following on behind her. He was very aware of the enormous mountain of a breed behind him, and didn't entirely take his eye off him once.
"It's lovely." Amira beamed at him. "I am so glad that you have done so well for yourself Mike." She was literally beaming from ear to ear and he could see the genuine happiness in her face.
"Come sit down the pair of you." He said gesturing to his large corner suite which sat snuggly into the sunken area of his moderately large living room.
"Can I get either of you a drink?"
"Ooooh what ya got?" Amira asked, literally bouncing on the balls of her feet. He missed this part of her the most. The part that got excited over small things. He hadn't seen it often, but when he did see it, it invigorated the room.
"I have your favourite." He coaxed.
"Yes please." She said grinning.
"And you?" He asked Darius. They had not formerly been introduced yet but he was sure that moment wouldn't be too far away.
"Just a water please if you have one." Darius replied.
"Still or sparkling?" He asked holding out a small bottle of each.
"Wow Mike you have gone up in the world, would have been tap water or tap water in the good old days, none of this fancy stuff."
She laughed again.
Darius asked for still and Micheal watched as Amira plonked herself down on the sofa while Darius scoped out the apartment, for what - he wasn't sure. He must have found nothing that worried him though because by the time Micheal had finished pouring the drinks, Darius had moved to the sofa and lifted Amira on to his lap.
She rolled her eyes at Micheal as if to say ignore him.
He joined them, handed them both a glass, and sat down opposite.
"It's strange to see you there so comfortable with an Alpha, after all those things we used to say about them." He quipped at her.
He saw the Alpha shift but Micheal remained unphased.
She laughed and replied, "I know right? That's before I realised there are loads of them that are just normal." She patted her Alpha on the head then kissed his forehead. He smiled at her like a fucking puppy dog, Micheal had decided almost instantly that he didn't like him.
The next twenty minutes were taken up with them sipping their drinks and catching up on old times. The Alpha had finished his drink first which was good, his drug was a little quicker acting, but with a beast like him to bring down, Micheal had doubled the dose, it was always better to be safe than sorry.
Amira was starting to feel sleepy, he could see by her eyes drooping, and that was fine they would both just slowly drop off in their own separate ways.
He would have to get someone to dispose of the Alpha's body, but he already had a holding facility ready for Amira.
You see when Fairchild had fucked up so royally, there had been room for a new holder, and as Micheal had been one of their top collectors, the factory put him into that role. He assumed that him being a beta was better for them - something like the Fairchild incident could never happen again.
As he understood it, the factory was getting an excellent price for Amira, an omega was worth billions.
It comes down to the same old thing he keeps telling himself 'if only she had reciprocated his feelings' he would never have offered her up for collection in the first place.
As he looked at the two breeds opposite him, slumped together eyes closed, his focus was on Amira. She really was beautiful, and she had been a good friend. He took his time taking in every inch of her, her smooth skin, the way her golden hair hung long, caressing her shoulders, her fantastic tits, he had seen them once, she had been changing and he was in another room, her door had been open slightly and he saw her naked. Fuck she was fine. He had imagined cupping her tits many times, he had imagined doing lots of different things to her many many times. In fact his dick was getting hard at just the thought of it. However it was too late now, she made her choice years ago. But she was beautiful and there was no harm in admiring her. Life would be different for her from now on, he didn't know who the skin factory had sold her to, best not to know. In just the short time he had seen these two together, it was obvious they were in love, he thought it was a shame really, that there wasn't another ending to the Alpha and Omega's story, but there just wasn't.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's Story - part 2Where stories live. Discover now