Chapter 14 Grayson

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He never expected the omega to have such an effect on the Alphas, they were literally going mad, trying to break out to get to her.
Fuck this was glorious. He had his omega begging to be filled and two Alphas, crazy that he had imprisoned them, and wanting what was his. His possessive nature didn't like the fact they were seeing and smelling her, but his controlling nature took precedent. He was enjoying their reactions far too much and it was stamping his dominance over them all.
He wondered what show he would put on next as he had denied her her own pleasure. Before when fingering her, he had felt the moment she was ready to fall over the edge. Edging was something he enjoyed very much when love making with his wife. He had always shown her her pleasure was his to command, but he had never denied his wife the final fall. But the omega? He enjoyed it far too much to see her whine and keen for his knot and beg him to finish what he had started. He had no intention of doing so.
He mulled over his next move, he could fuck her in front of them, but he couldn't guarantee he would have the will power to stop before she came, she was so close to the edge right now that he knew the slightest stimulation of her clit would push her clean over. He needed her to calm slightly before he could even consider that move.
He decided fucking her mouth was his best option. He pushed her off his legs to the floor where she fell hard on her knees.
"Sit up omega." He commanded. "Sit up, put your hand behind your back and open you mouth ready for my cock."
The howl and growl of the unknown Alpha became frantic, this brought a smile to Grayson's face. He was really fucking enjoying this. The power he was wielding was immense. He had what they wanted and rubbing it in their face was entertaining indeed.
Amira did as he commanded, he saw the desperation for his cock in her eyes and he didn't like the fact she was happy to oblige him. He would soon put a stop to that.
He grabbed the hair on the top of her head, with what he hoped was a painful grip, with one hand, and with the other he fed his cock into her.
Unlike before where she had been in the perfect position to take his cock down her throat, this time she wasn't and he knew the act would be far less comfortable for her.
When his cock was deeply seated in her mouth he grabbed her head with both hands and pushed. He could feel the obstruction as her throat tried to repel him when he blocked her airways. He didn't care. The feel of her contracting throat around his cock was heavenly.
He threw his head back and groaned loudly, he wanted to show his pleasure to the room.
"That's it omega choke on my cock."
He held her head against his groin, and she started to flail, no doubt panicking at her lack of air. He pulled her head back slightly to free her airways and she sucked in breath after breath of oxygen. He felt powerful holding her ability to breath in his hands.
"What is it you want omega?" He asked.
"Your knot please." She whined.
Again he forced her down on his cock, again her throat contracted as he stuffed her, fuck that felt good.
But if he wanted to come he needed friction, so he began to fuck her mouth. Pushing and lifting her head at a vehement rate.
Tears streamed down her face, and gurgles came from her throat, but never once did she try to push him away. Good, she was learning he was her master.
The sound of her throat gaging with spit as he surged forward had his arousal increasing and he could feel the ache in his cock start to grow along his shaft.
"I am going to cum down your throat omega and you are not going to spill a drop do you understand?"
His thrusts started to get shallower as a small knot started to form. He knew it was the smell and taste of the slick that grew his knot so he wasn't concerned the knot was only half formed, if anything it was better because when it was time for him to cum, he was sure his offering would be plentiful and the other Alphas would experience it running from her mouth and wish it was theirs.
His thoughts heightened the experience and it wasn't long before the liquid larva began to climb his shaft, with one final thrust into her throat he held her there as he shot his load from his shaft, thrusting  his cock deep into her throat.
He grunted loudly his release and could feel her throat working  to try to swallow the liquid he had shot down inside her.
When he had finished he pulled away and the omega choked and spluttered trying to get air into her lungs. As he had hoped his seed had bubbled from her mouth and was now running down her body. He turned her to the other Alphas by the grip he had on her hair.
Her whole body rose and fell with deep breaths as she faced the others looking thoroughly used.
The other Alpha's frenzied growls increased.
Grayson sneered  beneath his mask, the contempt he felt for the other Alphas was seated deep in his mind. But the sneer turned to a grin as he watched them trying to break free of his steel cages, desperate for his omega. Fuck them, she was his and all they would ever do was watch.
A large bang rattled through the building. What the fuck was that? He dropped the omega with a push so she fell to the floor and moves to his coms unit.
"Status now?" He commanded. Bright the beta in charge of his men answered while obviously under duress. "We are under attack sir, we are loosing ground fast."
Fuck fuck fuck, who the hell was it? Had one of his betas mentioned that he had an omega here? Had word got out? He stormed to the omega on the floor and dragged her by the hair to a cage and shoved her in, locking the door. He knew if something was happening he would need to deal with it himself.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's Story - part 2Where stories live. Discover now