Chapter 16 Darius

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His men had made short work of Fairchild's men and when they entered the house, they was surprise to find it empty.
Amira's scent was potent and everywhere, and it had travelled straight to his dick. However, he was not alone. All of his men were starting to act differently. He sensed their arousal and begun to worry.
What if they turned on him?
His men began ripping the house apart, searching for Fairchild. They had entered from the back expecting more fighting but were greeted with nothing.
Darius followed his nose and the scent of his omega.
As he entered the main hall way a door at the far side flew open. Grayson Fairchild stood there, in all his naked glory, a manic look on his face.
Darius's men had now caught up with him, and formed a wall at his back.
Darius was torn, should he dismantle this arsehole limb by limb, or should he get to his omega.
He could smell other Alphas that he recognised, and the thought of other Alphas in his omega's proximity sent flares of anger through his body, fuck Fairchild, it was Amira that counted.
"Take him." He yelled to his men, "don't kill him, I want to do that myself." He added, as as he past the naked Alpha and headed through the door, which he closed behind him, and defended on down the stairs.
As he entered the chamber at the bottom of the stairs he was drawn to a halt by the sight before him.
There in a cage was his omega. He knew her smell but he barely recognised her. Her hair was matted, her beautiful body was black and blue and her face streaked with tears.
As if sensing his presence she turned towards him.
When his eyes met hers, his stomach twisted, his beautiful omega was a mere shadow.
The desperation and need in her face called to him.
He didn't even register the other Alphas caged in the room. All he saw was her.
Her pull overcast how broken she looked, all he wanted was to go to her. Yes his cock was solid, and he would have no problem at all sinking deeply into her, but it was more than that, he didn't want to just rut her. He wanted to tend to her, heal her wounds, hold her close and tell her how life without her had been unbearable, how each day had seemed like an eternity without her in his arms. He missed her laugh, her voice and how she had become the air he needed to survive.
She pleaded with him to go to her, but he couldn't. Every fibre of his being wanted to take hold of her and make her whole again but his promise to Kieran had been his word. They had agreed he would approach her first, he would speak to her first. So as much as Darius's insides tore at his skin to move to her, he couldn't.
He was aware of Heraldo yelling at him from across the room, but the words were meaningless - there was just her.
When his team came down to the cellar he yelled his command, and to his relief they left, leaving only Kieran to approached Amira.
He didn't hear the words Kieran spoke to her, but her eyes never left his, and when she called his name and he knew she had chosen him, his body lifted. He would swear that his feet actually left the ground and he flew to her.
Stood before her, outside the cage he took in every detail, every bite mark, every bruise, every cut. Outwardly he was calm but inside his blood was raging, he would return each wound tenfold to its perpetrator, Fairchild would regret the day he ever laid a finger on her.
It only took him a few moments to release the cage door.  He could feel his whole body vibrating with need, a need that was primal in its origin, the scent of an omega on heat, his omega on heat.
He whipped off his tshirt and slipped it on her body. Lifting her in his arms he sped from the room paying no notice to those around him. As he passed his men in the hall way he shouted orders to lock up Fairchild and free the others, and before they could get too much of her scent he sped up the stairs, heading as far away from the congregation downstairs as he could possibly get, he steered away from any place with the scent of Fairchild and kept moving till he reached what he could only presume was a hallway meant for guests. Fairchild's scent was so faint he could barely smell it.
He kicked open a room, after checking to see what was inside, he entered.
Storming in he lay his omega on the bed, turned locked the door and moved a large chest to barricade them in.
All the time his omega just stayed where he had put her looking at him, staring as if in a trance.
Walking through another door he entered the on-suit and  turned on the shower. Stripping himself of his clothes he checked the showers heat and then he went back to retrieve Amira.
She still remained where she had been put.
"Here let me help you." He uttered as he went to her and raised his tshirt over her head.
She didn't move or react at all, was she in shock?
All he could think of doing was washing the vile breed off her, remove his scent from existence and she seemed too in her own head to stop him.
He swept her up into his arms and went in to the shower.
As he placed her gently on her own two feet she fell towards him, unable to stand without support.
Just what had that bastard done to her? He began to wash her gently, but as he did so, the list of injuries she had sustained grew but so did his ire. Had he whipped her? The welts on the once smooth skin of her bottom suggested so. He continued to sweep his hands over her body, wiping away the sticky evidence of her incarcerator. He found he needed to close his eyes to finish the task, the amount of marks on her beautiful body caused his temper to keep on rising and if he did not remove the sight from before him, he would snap.
He wanted nothing more than to push her up against the glass wall and fuck her, he wanted to fuck Fairchild right out of her, he wanted, no, needed to replace the despicable Alpha's scent with his own, and make sure that when his omega thought of fucking it would only be Darius she pictured. The more he thought about this the more his need grew and the harder his cock became. A growl began to crawl from his chest, and as it did so his omega began to move, she began to try to climb his body pushing her nakedness against his, skin to skin.
"Fuck, Amira stop! If you don't stop beautiful girl I will have no choice but to fuck you here and now."
A small whisper left her. "I want that, please Darius fuck me."
His head flung back and his eyes closed in anguish, she didn't know what she was saying. Suddenly his eye flew open as he felt his omega take his cock in her hands and as he looked down he saw her kneeling in front of him, rivers of water were running down her face as she took his length and brought it too her lips.
Fuck, what should he do, he knew he should step back and stop her, he needed to give her time to recover from the ordeal. But he just couldn't move, he tried, but his Alpha was in charge now and he wasn't budging and as she fed his cock into her own mouth and sucked, he just gave in.
He took hold of her head to guide her, but found her sliding her lips down his cock far further than he would have taken it himself, she fed it so far down her own throat she gagged on the intrusion. Her bobbing gagging throat closed like a vice around his cock and that was it he was gone.
The Alpha grabbed his omega's head, to steady it and hold it still, while he pistoned his hips towards her face, again and again he thrust his large cock down her narrow throat, and all the while his omega looked up at him with tears, but along with the tears was another emotion, relief? Love? He couldn't ascertain it, but he knew she was pleased. She wanted this.
He withdrew from her mouth and she let out a moan of disappointment, she should not worry, his omega will be so full of him soon she wont need to suck him.
He bent and lifted her to her feet, unable to completely bury the guilt his more civilised self felt for taking her like this, he spun her and pushed her hard up against the glass. If he was going to let his Alpha fuck her with the need and urgency he felt he didn't want to see what look was on her face - what emotion he would see in her eyes. Because there was no stopping his Alpha now.
Through the glass he could see them both in a mirror, although slightly misted, he could see her body pushed against the glass, he could see her large tits flattened and nipples raw but erect twisted against the solid glass. Fuck she looked amazing, scars, bruises, wounds and all. With the strength he possessed he placed his hands under her arms and lifted her. Alphas and omegas were not made to fuck standing up, that was evident in the difference in their sizes. Her tiny frame was dwarfed by him. He raised her to a height that he could comfortably slip his throbbing cock between her legs, if he didn't get inside her soon he was sure he would pass out.
Once he had it seated at her opening, nestled between her folds, he released her. She dropped with the speed of gravity, hard, onto his cock.
He let out a loud grown, as his cock impaled his omega.
She let out a cry of ecstasy as he entered her at the force of a falling object. He was seated so deep inside her whole pussy was flush to his groin.
Her walls clamped him in place and they both froze, panting heavily, as they adjusted to his penetration.
Fuck, this was right where he needed to be, his mind calmed and focused for the first time in weeks, his body literally purred at her presents, and what surprised him more was the return of her own purr. He had never heard it before, but if travelled through his skin, entered his blood and went straight to his cock. His cock immediately knotted inside her she cried out at the enormous swelling which was now locked firmly behind her pubic bone. He had never felt anything like this. None of their previous fucking had created a knot so large or so quickly. Using only the top half of his body weight to pin her to the glass, suspending her only from his cock, he began to rock.
Every movement sent shards of heat through his body. The heat pulsed in his veins to the rhythm of his rock and each pulse created pure euphoria. A euphoria he knew was building into something, the rapture filled every fibre of his being. Each rock had his omega purring and singing, cries of bliss were forced from her lungs.
Watching them in the mirror he could see his omegas head loll back and her eyes roll, he saw the look of ecstasy written in her features. This is where they both belonged, joined in rhapsody, no not joined - merged into one.
It was then it happened, as the hot lava in his veins headed towards his cock and his need to be buried further inside took hold, he felt his teeth lengthen, and as he gave one almighty thrust to breach her womb he bit down hard. Where her neck meets her shoulder he sunk his  teeth deeply into her flesh. She cried out as stream after stream of his seed flooded her insides, filling her, and his teeth held her in an embrace all of their own. She shook violently as her pussy contracted time and time again, gripping his cock, milking it for every drop of him. And that's when he felt it, her bliss, her feeling of knowing that this, between them, was irrevocably right, that it had been ordained by the goddess herself - kismet.
He wasn't sure how long they had stood there, his knot locking his cock to her insides - his teeth buried in her neck as his tongue lapped at her wound, but what he was sure of was that she was now his, primally claimed in the ways of old, as an Alpha and his mate should be. And through their bond he knew she too felt it.
When his knot eventually subsided he swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bed.
He lay her down on the crisp white sheets and crawled above her. No words passed between them, but as he buried his head in her neck he had the unbelievable urge to keep licking the place where he had entered her with his teeth, of course he would happily lick the place where had entered her with his cock, but for the moment his bite mark was where his attention lay.
As he licked he noticed his omega beginning to move beneath him. Her small hands gliding over his skin. He felt her arousal through the bond before he smelt it, and it travelled straight back down to his cock, which dutifully sprung to life. "Omega there is nowhere I would rather be than buried to the hilt inside you, but does your body not need to rest?" He chuckled as she gently nipped at his ear lobe.
The way her hips moved and her leg rubbed up against his cock, answered his question, his omega was in no need of rest, she was in need of filling.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's Story - part 2Where stories live. Discover now