"Oh, nothing much. Just getting ready to move, you know..."

"Good, good. I have work tomorrow, but I was thinking we can meet at the coffee shop. You down?"

"Uh...yeah. I'll meet you there,"

"Are you okay? You sound different,"

"Everything is fine. I'm good. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow,"


Tomorrow came and I was so happy to see her. I got dressed, fed Milo and off to work I went. The day was sunny and warm. They said it was supposed to rain later, but I don't know. My music blasted through the speakers and I was on a roll. My head was feeling a bit better and I was good to go. Micheal gave me the week off, but I said I'm good on that.

I arrived at work and parked my car in the usual spot. I texted Zuri this morning, but she stopped responding. What's going on with her? She usually responds back. Anyway, I walked inside and there was a big surprise waiting for me.


"Whoa! What's all this?" I said, smiling.

"It's welcome back, my nigga. We bought you a cake, bought you some gifts and we wrote you a card!" Micheal said.

"Awe, ya ain't have to do that,"

"Why not? We appreciate you man. Justin brung his car back and everything, so we don't have to assist that man no more. You are the most amazing man ever. Come on and dig into the cake! Ian pay all this money for the cake for nothing,"

I appreciate my co workers so much, man. I can't wait to tell Zuri how my day has been. I opened my gifts, read the cards they gave me, and that cake was good! The rest of the day was real chill and kind of busy. I called my mom and my sister to check on them and let them know how things are going. As for Zuri, she still hasn't replied yet. Now I'm worried.

My shift was almost over and I wanted to text her to see if she was still down, but Ian wanna bug her. I went to the back to clock out for the day and I went and sat in my car for a bit. Just then, I got a text from her and she said she's on her way to the coffee shop. Damn no update on what was going on? Whatever. I said I'm on my way and went down to the shop.

It was about a 13 minute drive and shit but it was smooth. I parked my car and just walked inside. I seen her sitting in the bad, playing with her fingers.



I gave her a hug and like always, she smelled good. I sat down in front of her. She gets beautiful every time I see her.

"You good? You haven't been responding lately,"

"Yeah, I'm good. Actually...no, I'm not good,"

"What's wrong?"

She took a deep breath and hesitated to get out an answer. Now I'm worried.

"Duke...I like you a lot,"

"I like you too. Like, I have strong romantic feelings for you,"

"The feeling is mutual, please believe me. But...there's been a problem,"

"What is it,"

"...Justin proposed to me yesterday night,"

"Oh...well, what did you say?"

"I felt stuck. He gave me flowers and shit and he was just...I don't know a different person—"

"Zuri, what did you say?"

"I...I'm sorry, Duke..." she cried.

"You said yes, didn't you?"

"...it was hard, okay? I don't even know how to feel right now. We've been together for so long,"

"What happened to you moving? What happened to he was an asshole and a narcissist,"

"It all went out the window,"

My heart was torn. I had never ever felt something like this before in my life. The only girl I actually liked was getting married.

"You know what? I understand,"

"You do?"

"Yes. Come on and give me a hug,"

We both got up and we hugged each for what seemed like hours...I bent over to her ear and spoke the following.

"This will be your last time hugging me. I don't ever wanna see you again..." I said.

I broke away from the hug and mugged her. She had an eyeful of tears and looked confused. She tried to grab my hand, but I snatched it away. I stormed out of that coffee shop and left her alone. It then started to rain and pour down. I was in a coma for two days for you, and I get this? But you know what? I shouldn't have even done that. I knew she wasn't single when I talked to her. They've been together for years and it was bound to happen. My feelings are hurt and my heart is hurting. I should have left her alone.

𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧❀✿  (Duke Dennis Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now