Ch 157 - A Turning Point (2)

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Mina was flying through the air with her black bat like wings. Dodging a super hot air that seemed to come from Magmar sword. All ice or water attacks she fired evaporated and she couldn't get away because Magmar always caught up. Running and walking on air. His agility was a lot faster than Minas so even dodging was made hard. He wasn't a weak opponent like she had first thought. He was actually stronger than her.


Mina couldn't use wind magic to redirect the hot air either. Wherever he swung his sword it was as if all the air in that direction became a superheated wall the didn't move. Burning, melting, scoring and cutting anything in the way or anything that touched it.

Mina: {What would Kenji do?! He probably would have flicked this person and they'd crumble to pieces! But I can't do that!}

Magmar got close as he stabbed Mina in the shoulder. She screamed out at the burning pain. She instinctively threw her hand out as acid coated the sword. The sword melting. As Magmar stepped backward quickly.

Magmar: What was that? That wasn't magic.

Mina: {He's... scared of my acid? Wait... Kenji also didn't like it when I...}

Mina remembered a sad memory as a tear fell from her eye. But that memory was exactly what she needed in this moment. Her power.

Mina: Do you have any intention of stopping? I really don't want to do this. Please don't make me.

Two short swords came from Magmars hands as he crouched down low in the air. A stance he would use while duel wielding swords. The swords nearly identical to the long sword he had but shorter in length.

Magmar: I will burn half this planet and have the other half at my feet. Guess which half you'll be on.

The air around Magmar got a lot hotter as trees bellow them started to burn and catch on fire. Some people bellow were manipulating ice and firing water over the trees to put out the fire. But it didn't seem to work. The water evaporated and the trees reignited. Mina gritted her teeth hard and balled her fists.

Mina: Please don't make me do this.

Magmar: Do what? If your god hasn't already come he's most likely abandoned this core world.

Mina had anger in her face.

Magmar: How does it feel that your god abandoned you? Have you lost faith yet? Maybe I'll kill your god while I'm at it.

Mina: Take that back.

Magmar: Oh? Does your god hold a special place in you heart? HAHAHAHAHA! MAYBE HE WAS USING YOU AS A LITTLE TOY! NOT SOMETHING UNCOMMON! GOD IF I HAD A HUMAN BODY I WOULD HAVE SUCH FUN WITH YOU! Though I wish you looked more human. Your horns and pink skin are kinda off putting. BUT THAT WOULDN'T STOP ME FROM ENJOYING THAT BODY OF YOURS IN OTHER WAYS!

Magmar charged at Mina. She looked down as the people that had tried to put out the fires were evacuating because it was pointless. But this was the perfect situation for her. No matter what happened.

Mina: The Great Flood.

Mina saw Kenji practicing once. Using barriers to contain large scale attacks. And with Minas Unique skill: Caustic Bliss. Mina couldn't risk using any large scale attacks. Unless she made a barrier.

A massive magic circle appeared around Mina as a white translucent barrier appeared around them. Magmar stabbed Mina with both swords in the stomach as she coughed up blood. She could feel her blood boiling and her internals cooking.


Mina grabbed Magmar by his arms as extreme pain went through her burning hands. Magmar rock body extremely hot.

Mina: Fuck you!

A massive eruption of acid flooded the barrier as Magmars hands, legs and body started to burn. A chemical vapour coming from him. He tried to heat up fast to evaporate the acid but it wasn't working the barrier filled up more and more. Mina bit hard on her lip as her acid was being heated up by his hot body. The acid not burning her, but the boiling heat was.


Mina: You... *Cough cough* Do not talk about... Kenji like that.

The barrier filled as they were engulfed by the flooded acid. The barrier started cracking and breaking. Trickles of acid falling bellow until it burst. Mina falling from the sky as vapour floated in the air in an acidic cloud. Acid raining bellow as trees, rocks, plants and ground melted.

Mina crashed into the ground. Scald all over her body as she could barely open her eyes. Pain scaring her body and mind as she couldn't move. In so much pain all she could do is look up at the sky and cry. The inside of her lungs burned from the superheated acid vapours.

Mina: {Kenji... I... I miss you so much!}

Mina kept on crying as the salt of her tears stung her burned face.

Mina: {I'm sorry I was so late in getting stronger! I'm sorry I shouted at you! I... I'm so sorry.}

Mina cried while looking at the sky. Her pain both physical and emotional exhausting her as she passed out.

[Congratulations. You have been the first to acquire a unique achievement: A Character Killing a God.]

[Congratulations. You have acquired an achievement: Burning In Acid Together.]

[You have become a Low Grade Constellation.]

[Star Count: 6]

[You have killed a god for the first time.]

[You have stole The God or Embers Skills.]

[Internal Cultivation Explosive Qi is merging with magic... Ying Yang Explosion Cultivation has been created through the natural balance of light and devil magic.]

[You have to stole The God of Embers Domain.]

[Your body is undergoing optimisation to become a Constellation.]

After the fight and once it was safe, many people rushed over to Minas location. Looking at the her in the crater. Her body slowly healing. Some people tried to lift her but her body was too heavy for the people there without strengthening quirks. But then ice formed underneath her. The ice carrying her back into the walls of Dekia city.

Scene change

Kenji was in a black ashy land as he crushed the skull of a screaming demon. The body dropping from his hands and on top the ash coloured floor.

[Your God Authority is reacting. Copying The God of Embers God Authority.]

Kenji & Magnolia: Huh?

[You have copied Dying Flame.]

Kenji: Was this the god?

Kenji looked down at the headless corpse. Looking back behind him and seeing a massive pile of similar corpses. He has been annihilating everything that moved in each hell he went to. All just to try and find the god that owned this domain and find a way out.

Magnolia: I... I don't think so. We haven't received a notification to leave yet or of invasion victory.

Kenji: Then what just happened?

Magnolia: I honestly have no clue. But this guy wasn't a god. He was way too weak even if he was a low grade.

Kenji: They all were. Next one I guess.

Magnolia: Next one.

A massive door opened as Kenji walked through it. Dead bodies scattered the floor in what they left behind. A once's fiery hell burned to ash. The once red skies turned grey and the host rock floors covered in ash. A whole galaxy sized level of hell reduced to a crumbling domain of dead corpses.

And not the type that moved.

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