2- Shattered..

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mention of rape and sexual assault!!
If you are sensitive to such topics , I ask you politely to avoid reading this..


The coming day, Taehyung didn't stop with the teasing, and Jimin couldn't bear with the distressing comments that he was receiving from the dark haired boy not to mention his harsh gazes, he was struggling not to croak there and start to cry like a damn crybaby in front of his students.
He felt weak and wimpy, he felt powerless for staying mute and capitulating to a such playful guy who was five years younger than him, he cursed himself multiple times for his weakness. Last night, jimin remained awake, couldn't even blink an eye, drowning in an unendingly ocean of dark thoughts..

But he has to stay strong, no he must to! he'll never let that Taehyung guy to manipulate him and play with him as if he were some lifeless doll , there's no way he'll submit to him, and there's no way he'll let him touch or even get near him.

But all that bravery and firmness soon dashed down once Taehyung visited him in his own place. Power and determination ? What a bullshit, he is shivering in pure fear at the moment!

" Have you decided yet teacher? ". A frightened jimin still wearing his work's suit opened the door to be faced with the one and only, his student, Kim Taehyung . He felt more and more suffocated, although he didn't want to seem flustered infront of his enemy, yet he couldn't help it. The younger said he'll be here when school ends but he didn't know he will come right away after just five minutes when school's hours ends. He's totally insane! as if that lunatic student of his was waiting for him so eagerly. Just How creepy...

" Won't you let me in? ". He uttered with seductive tone, Jimin hesitated first, he was deep in thoughts, but then he came back to his counsious letting the other boy to barge in his apartment unpatiently .

It was a small cozy house, with a kitchen opened to the living room, a bathroom and two private rooms, small yet so pretty and so pleasant to look at , jimin took a great care romanticizing and styling his and mother's small lovely house.

Taehyung's gazes turned around, scanning the whole place. He lived a luxury life in a big mansion surrounded by maids obeying him and doing whatever he wanted, he didn't have to care about starvation for days, he didn't have to worry about being thrown out of his house at any moment.

Unlike Jimin , he has a large beautiful room, he slept with full stomach every night in his warm king-sized bed, besides that he has the full support of both of his loving parents, in one word, he lives like a spoiled prince..

But to say he wasn't hooked by his soon to be boyfriend's home would be the biggest lie ever, the colorful aura of it makes you feel warm , and it's fresh scent can only make your heart melt in a pure satisfaction and pleasure. Just like what Jimin made him feel like..

" So pretty just like the owner ". He whispered not letting jimin to hear what he said, Taehyung was out of his mind, literally! since the second his eyes laid on the blonde teacher, he wasn't acting normally, he's not the one to throw compliments after another at people around him, rather he is the one who usually gets praised at his wealth, grace and family status...

But he'll be lying if he'd say that jimin didn't fascinate him in so many ways,to start with his teaching skills, his appealing appearance and gentle personality who made all the students to fall head over heals , that's why he is here at the first place, after playing his dirty game,wanting so desperately to claim the man ' who everybody fell in love with ' as his..

" I asked you a question, have you decided yet ". His tone was kinda displeased with the older's silence that felt like forever, yet Jimin didn't respond, still spacing out, drowning in his thoughts deeply , what should he do and what should he say? The thought of being in an intimate position with his student makes him feels awkward and nauseated, it's prohibited for him, he can't, he mustn't do such things! As a teacher who respects his job, he shouldn't..

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