1- Attached..

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" How many times do I have to tell you jimin? I'm not cheating stop with this nonsense! ". His voice echoed in the whole room, with angry-scary eyes, raised eyebrow, furiousness is all what's written in his graceful handsome face, Taehyung was annoyed, super annoyed and his little boyfriend was only making matters worse for him, he never leaves a chance to irritate the shit out of him, as he always says...

The house minutes ago was empty and hushed but soon it was filled with their yelling and shouting, the  couple were arguing as usual, inside their room, where they shared their delight-blissful moments together, a room where they had their first kiss, their first fight and their first 'love-making' ...

" That's not true! You no longer have those warm feelings for me Taehyung do you? You even stopped kissing me every morning as you always do, ignoring me, missing my calls whenever I call you, you even forgot about my birthday last week, did you get bored already? What's wrong with you! ". Jimin, the pretty captivating blond boyfriend of Taehyung complained about the latter's attitude, not letting a single tear to fall from his eyes.

Oh god how he hates to show his weak vulnerable side! his tears were precious and even his lover shouldn't see them, his lover Kim Taehyung , the one who he has loved and cherished the past two years, a young boy who stole his heart with his seductive smile and so charming eyes, a young boy who shared everything with him: his happiness, his sorrow and most importantly his love, but seems like something has changed.. Well, to the worse...

Taehyung became alcoholic, the smell of alcohol never leaves his body, always come back late at night and even worse sometimes he never come, only God knows where he spends his nights , and never forget about the smell of women's fancy perfume, the traces of kisses that spread all over his neck.

That's what jimin feared the most, Taehyung was always a straight guy, before he met him he always liked girls and already dated multiple of them, he doesn't even know how the younger loved him, he was five years older and he was aware that he didn't like boys, jimin was the first, the first boy who Taehyung fell in love with , the first who he kissed, the first who he made love with ~

The blond boy is sure- no he's super sure that Taehyung is cheating on him,and even if he's not in a relationship with someone else, he definitely has fucked some girls here and there, he knows it, Taehyung is not the one who will hide his dick inside his pants for so long, since they didn't have any intimate time for a long period of time. He must be really horny..

But even if he is sure, he doesn't have a proof of the cheating to face his boyfriend, Taehyung will shriek and scream at him like a maniac everytime he brings this topic, he was so frustrated, so overwhelmed with everything on his back ; the work, his mother's death and now his cheating boyfriend...

Things can't get worse than that..

" Stop Being childish jimin, can you! What are you, a child? Or some daydreaming teenager? You're a fucking adult so act like one, I can't believe that you're five years older, I didn't know that I was dating a child ". Those simple words shattered jimin's heart into pieces, Taehyung poured all the anger and aggravations that he kept inside at the innocent man, not caring if he was wrong or if he hurt his lover.

He's so sick of all of what was happening, the blond short boy never stops with the whining and complaining about the tiniest things all the time, and that started to kinda irritate him a little bit too much, so what if he kissed and fucked some girls here and there? It won't hurt, will it? It's just a breaking routine, right?

" You see? You don't even respect me anymore, What's wrong Tae tell me, am I not doing my duties as I should? Or because I don't take care of you as I have always did? Tell me I'll try to make it up for you, please Taehyung you know how I love you ". The words left his mouth unconsciously, as he approached Taehyung more, not leaving a space between their bodies, putting his left chubby hands on his tall boyfriend's shoulder and the other right on his cheek, but nah ~ that's not gonna work, Taehyung slipped his body away, snapping jimin's hand departing out from their house, a single tear dropped from the blonde's glassy eye, a tear that he was struggling for years to keep it inside, how can Taehyung be so cruel to him?

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