the worst sunday in weeks

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Marijas pov: 10:55 inside her dorm

I opened my eyes as usually but this time i was met with Jan inside my bed. What did my drunk self do. ,,Oh hey" said Jan calmly as he saw me covering my whole body in the blanket since i wasnt wearing any clothes. ,,Calm down i will explain what happened" he said and his arms were on my shoulders. ,,Okay" i said worried. ,,Well we got drunk but you know that already, before you passed out you kissed me while sitting on my lap and then i took you to your dorm" he explain. ,,Did we" i asked. ,,God no i wouldnt do that with you while being drunk, you asked me to be here actually" he said. ,,Im glad you stayed because i get nightmares quite a lot and because you were here it seems like they just dissapered which suprised even me" i said leaving him speechless. ,,Bojan mentioned a lot your problems but wow i thought he was lying" he said. ,,Hospitilized quite a lot, anxiety disorder oh and those nightmares arent that long but im glad for any relief i get" i said calmly. ,,You are a survival Marija" he said. ,,Pretty much" i said. ,,How much did you saw" i said giggling. ,,A lot even tho i was halfway asleep" he said giggling back. ,,I guess fuck it" i said and layed back on my bed without getting any clothes. ,,Would you mind if we uhm cuddle" he said. ,,Sure i guess as long as you wont be weird" i said smiling. His arms were now gribbing my body as his body layed on the bed. ,,Jan are you okay" i said because i just felt something is wrong, i always know so you can never hide from me. ,,I dont want to be without you" he said. ,,Aww Jan but seriously tell me" i said as i knew it was just a cover up. ,,Fine Kris knows apart from you and im worried that Bojan will know" he said leaving his head on my shoulder. ,,If i wont tell him, Kris wouldnt absolutely do it so you are safe, im not telling him anytime soon btw" i said. ,,You are safe Jan and if he will be weird i'll make sure to keep you safe" i said giving him a kiss on his forehead. ,,Lets enjoy the time" he said and my head was now on his chest. ,,How was my drunk self" i asked as my head hitted his chest. ,,Extroverted and gosh you had some dance moves" he said smiling. ,,Sounds fun" i said. ,,Guys" said Kris who stormed into my dorm without knocking. I had a single room so he disturbed only us. ,,Its okay stay" he said when he noticed i was pulling away from Jan. ,,We are in trouble a big one" he added. ,,What happend" i said worried. ,,Bojans missing" he said. ,,What" said Jan sitting up so i had to get my head away. ,,Sorry" he said stroking my hair. ,,Its okay" i said. ,,Where is he" i asked. ,,Wish i knew he went out with a girl and left me to go alone yesterday" said Kris. ,,I'll call him" i said. He always answers my calls because he knows im worse then his own mother. ,,Bojan get your ass to my dorm now" i screamed to the phone on full speaker. ,,Marija why im safe dont worry" he said. ,,Hey Kris here listen to her we are worried" said Kris terrified from scream. ,,Fine, sorry baby i have weird friends" i heard him say and then the call ended. ,,Asshole i hope he gets an sti or something" i said. ,,For real" Kris asked me. ,,No its just a joke i always scare him with" i said. ,,Btw you two should tell him before the tour because i dont know how you will be with surviving" said Kris. ,,Kris we will be fine" i said. ,,Yeah i heard from Bojan your attachement issues i would rather tell him today" he said. ,,Can Bojan stop telling about me everywhere" i said quite mad at this point. Jan saw that and tried comforting me. ,,He does it for your good Marija" said Kris. ,,For my good no, he just wants to brag about his mentally unstable friend i like him but this is too much" i said ready to burst out any minute. ,,I have to agree on that with Marija he is usually too much" said Jan. ,,You do have a point probably Jan, sorry Marija its just i cant believe he would do so" he said. ,,Till sixteen i was quite normal and extroverted but then it changed over time so i guess he still isnt used to his old normal friend but i just was hidding so he knew it but it wasnt that intense" i said. ,,I wanted to ask you if you have any plans, my roommate is away and i have nothing to do" Kris asked us. ,,Same we dont have plans as well but we could do something together" said Jan looking at me covered in that blanket. ,,Sure but idk where to go" i said. ,,Well im starving we should go to some diner or something" said Kris giggling. ,,Agree what do you say" said Jan making sure i felt like i belong in this and that my opinion matters. ,,Yeah we should go to be honest i havent bought groceries in ages" i said. ,,What are you eating gosh" Kris asked me. ,,Im surviving till the label school got me pays me something thats my only money so thats in a week from now" i said. ,,I could never survive" said Kris. ,,Being broke teaches you a lot" i said laughing. ,,See you then uhm twelve minutes in front of my dorm" said Kris and left. ,,When was the last time you ate something proper" Jan asked worried. ,,Long time ago to be honest" i said. ,,The food is on me, you have to eat something Marija" he said. ,,You dont have to do that i can survive" i said because i didnt want him to pay for me. ,,Shh" he said putting his finger on my lips. ,,We have to get ready" he said after as he noticed my blanket. ,,Oh sucks i cant go like this" i said laughing and he joined me too. ,,Wait let me do the outfit" said Jan as i was prepared to get up. ,,Okay well i'll do my makeup then" i said and dissapered into my bathroom. I did my usual dark eyeshadow with some mascara and a highliter ofc some concelear. ,,How does this sound" said Jan and pulled out my black jeans full of holes and a black top. ,,Also" he said pulling out from somewhere his button up shirt from yesterday i loved too much. ,,But what will you wear" i said laughing. ,,Right well" he said and i threw on him one of my big shirts. ,,Thanks" he said as he pulled it over his head fitting him just okay. I got into my outfit and Jan was really proud of himself. ,,I think i should be your stylist on the tour" he said holding me on my hips. ,,Are you sure you can be the best guitarist and a stylist" i said blushing as i looked up to see him. ,,Im honoured to" he said and kissed me. We enjoyed the kiss, a lot. His hands were all over my butt and mine was all over his face since he was so kind to bend for me. ,,Someone likes my ass" i said pointing it out in a fun way. ,,I like the whole you but yeah your ass is special" he said grabbing my hand. I looked to see why he did that. ,,We have to go so Kris wont have to wait" said Jan and we left. We took the school bikes today to get around the city so soon we were in a small restaurant just few blocks from the campus. ,,What are your orders" ginger headed girl asked us. ,,We will take three bbq burgers" said Jan ordering for all of us. ,,Something to drink" she added shortly after writing that down. ,,Coke please" he said with a smile and the girl smiled back. ,,Two matcha lattes please" said Jan and the girl then shortly after left. ,,Thank you for not letting me talk i always mess up" i said with a warm smile. ,,Ofc my pleasure to help" he said and smiled back. ,,Guys im gonna melt from your cuteness stop it" said Kris and giggled after. ,,You shouldnt be scared of Bojan if he sees this omg he will be so proud to be your friend" he added. ,,Kris dont get your hopes up" said Jan. ,,I have to agree with both of you but yeah Jan is more right" i said. ,,Come on guys" he said. We then ate our food and soon said goodbye to each other since Kris had to study for some exam. ,,Any studying to do" i asked Jan. ,,As far as im aware no" he said. ,,Good" i said and smiled. ,,I have a place to take you to can we go there" he asked me. ,,Ofc we can" i said and he grabed my hand and led me to some old building but it was a beautiful building. When we were inside i noticed all the grass there and trees but there were cats all over the place. I looked at him like how is this possible. ,,I wonder too dont worry but they are taken care of here sometimes by me or my grandmas friend Olga" he said cuddling with one cat. As he said it a i dissapered to cuddle with one as well. When i sat down on the grass a white cat with blue eyes layed on my lap. ,,Hello" i said to it and stroked its fur. ,,Thats Estera" said Jan as he sat down next to me. ,,You know these cats well" i said. ,,I named this one she was born a month ago i was here when it happend" he said. ,,Thats sweet" i said. ,,She is usually scared of people you must be special then" he said and i looked up at him. ,,Like you are to me" i said smiling. ,,Wait look at this thats why i wanted to originally name her stella or star" he said and uncovered her birth mark just behind her ear. ,,Wow i never saw that before" i said. ,,Oh hello Igor" he said to a black cat that sat on him. ,,This is Igor my only friend in the university apart from the band and you" he said. ,,He was born my first day here, i cant wait to take him home with me finally" he added. ,,Thats sweet of you" i said. ,,Oh and look how he takes care of Estera" he said and showed me a video of Igor protecting Estera. ,,Igor reminds me a lot of you" i said. ,,Do you have a star birthmark" he giggled. ,,No i dont just a heart behind my right ear" i giggled. ,,Can i look" he asked and i uncovered it. ,,Estera is that you" he said giggling. ,,Ofc Igor" i said laughing and we both laughed like crazy for couple of minutes. ,,I cannot wait for the tour" i said as i was playing with Estera. ,,Me too also because i will finally have Igor with me" he said but then looked at me. ,,What" i said smiling as i picked Estera on my shoulder. ,,Nothing just you two look perfect for each other" he said smiling. ,,Wait i have something thats perfect" i said and picked Estera like a plane and was running around. She loved it and Jan was laughing so hard seeing a cat plane. ,,Estera plane is about land" i said and placed her next to Igor. ,,You do have a place after school right" he asked me. ,,Why" i asked first. ,,I heard something from Kris about you being technically homeless" he said worriedly. ,,Well Kris is right before i was accepted i ran away from my parents to Bojans place but im legally there so im not homeless, why you ask" i asked him. ,,Doesnt matter now" said Jan but i noticed his blushing but i did let it go. When it was getting dark i did hide Estera from Jans sight since she didnt want me to leave so i took her to my dorm secretly. ,,Goodnight princess" said Jan when we were in front of my dorm and kissed me. ,,Did you steal Estera" he said after as he noticed her kicking him. ,,Maybe" i said smiling. ,,Marija well take care of her please" he said. ,,Good night Jan make sure the bugs wont bite you" i said as he left and noticed him smiling.


Hello, sorry for the wait but the part is finally here. We all have to wish good luck to Marija if Estera will be found that wouldnt help them graduate so early. After this part will be a probably some big time jump or slight at least. Thank you for reading and see you soon :)

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