Satyendra a family man

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In india a man name satyendra living with his wife son and daughter in law satyendra is retried bank manager his wife kalpana is a housewife and son avesh is a Teacher and his wife kamya is running a bakery.

Satyendra is a man of words he have a big friend circle his best friend kapil who have own clothes store kapil and his daughter (the only child of kapil) live near a satyendra house kapil wife passed away in a road accident

In morning kalpana said to satyendra I feel some fever so please bring medicine for me so satyendra wake up and wear his slippers and head towards a market after reaching market he search for medical shop now it is 7 am to early and shop is not open so he wait for 1 hour now shopkeeper come open the shop satyendra tell him that his wife have some fever so he give him medicine he come back home and give it to kalpana she take it with milk and rest for some hour at 11 am he go to check her she is sleeping he touch his hand which is heating too much so he called kamya kamya come here your mom fever increasing she come from kitchen she also check her and said we need to call a doctor dad satyendra make a phone call to avesh ..
Avesh :what happen dad ?
Satyendra: your mother's fever increasing so called doctor Rakesh
Avesh: ok dad
Doctor Rakesh is family doctor of satyendra
avesh called dr.rakesh hello sir please come here Mom have high fever
Rakesh: I will come in 5 minutes

Rakesh come and check kalpana does some treatments

Rakesh : mr. satyendra if something happens call me
Satyendra: something serious doctor
Rajesh: no no but we need to we aware
Satyendra: ok thank you

Kalpana is still sleeping ..

6pm Satyendra try to wake up Kalpana

Satyendra : Kalpana Kalpana are you listening me Kalpana
She is not replying
Satyendra call avesh and kamya
Avesh : what happen dad ?

Avesh heads towards his mom

Avesh: mom mom

They again called doctor Rakesh

After 10 min Rakesh come

And check her.

Rakesh: we need to admit Mrs Kalpana in Hospital she is unconscious

Avesh called ambulance..

They reached hospital

Satyendra is watching all thing but he stop talking.

avesh talking to nurse for admitting mother

Doctor start there treatments ..

After 1 hour

Doctor: mr avesh please call your family here we need to talk

Avesh ,kamya and satyendra come to listen him

Ķamya: what happen doctor ?
Avesh: something serious doctor ?

Satyendra..(listen them)

Doctor: yes if she didn't become conscious in 24 hour their is probability she gose in coma or may be a disaster

Avesh: but yesterday mom is fine then what happen suddenly she became serious?
Doctor: we wait for some test results after that I can say exactly what happen

After 2 hour

Satyendra is thinking if he bring medicine early then may be she fine..

Kamya : dad you need to take some rest
Avesh : yes dad

They are sitting in Hospital waiting room

Satyendra go back home and lay down on bed
Suddenly he start thinking his early live in young age...

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