Late nights with Toji Fushiguro

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In the heart of the night, the sky isn't black but grey as it relieves itself of rain. Softly, gently caressing the world around it. Same droplets, looking into your warm room, the soft orange of the lamp looking back at them. You and Toji couldn't even consider the wet earth outside; you were lost on your own world. In one another.

His large, muscular, and warm hands hold you tight. Like a vice, yet delicate touching, like you may break here in his arms, but he wouldnt dare break you. His hands are callous but tender, stroking up your bare body under the shirt you wore, innocently enjoying the softness of your skin. You have smaller hands and tight fists on his sleep shirt, anchoring him to you. Closer to sharing the warmth you both extract from each other's skin. The soft tips of his hair tickle your hairline.

His beautiful girl, melting, sweet, and decadent on his tongue, stroking it in and out of your mouth, lips locked to yours, glistening with your shared spit. A sleepy, lazy kiss was shared between lovers in the quietness of the night. Both your tired eyes were a haze, moving and tangling into one another. Your lips are guiding you two to fit into each other like a puzzle as you rain down love on one another. These moments make everything worth it. Hearts in sync as the rain falls down

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