After Work Cuddles with Satoru Gojo

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The strongest is a hard working man who comes home to sleep on you.

Satoru Gojo is well known for being the strongest, smartest, and prodigy, so it's no wonder he hardly has time to do a lot with his one and only. If he is not working on a solo mission, he will be training for the first few years. Quite frankly, you found his love and dedication to his craft loveable but it's no lie that it took a significant toll on your relationship, right?


More often than not, Gojo would come home late, tired, and wanting nothing, not even the dinner you left on the counter. He'd head straight to the showers and give you a tire-hello as he did so. Tonight you were on the sofa when you felt his lips on your cheeks and his "hey" before he fled to the bathroom. You heard the facet go on, then took a few minutes off again as you stared at the movie on the screen, happily munching your snack awaiting his arrival.

Soon Satoru strolled out of the shared room with a throw in hand and one of your headbands on his forehead, fresh and crisp in his pajamas. Then you placed the snack aside as you felt his weight gently hover and land on top of you. His head was on your chest, and the rest of him curled up in a funny attempt to fit onto the sofa. He throws the blanket over the two of you and then begins to gently stroke circles on your skin under his fingers. His eyes close as he breathes in your scent.

"Such a tired baby." You tease, and he simply smiles, feeling the warmth of you beneath him. "Yeah, how was your day, sweetheart?" He asks, and you'd tell him about the amazing and interesting endeavors of working from home. He'd always listen, nuzzle into your touch when you hit the right spot on his head, and open his mouth to eat when you offered him a snack. Soon, Gojo, the strongest, was sore on your chest, and you'd smile down at him. "I love you." You speak, kissing his exposed forehead, and then face asleep yourself.

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