Halloween with Kento Nanami

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You sat on the little ottoman even with your tongue slightly sticking out as you moved the brush, your long black man shift tail sticking upwards as if to mock your concentration. Nanami looked at you with all the love in the world and tried not to giggle at how you looked in your full-fury black panther outfit as he put on his shoes. He was dressed as a zookeeper with a big, wide hat, beige shorts and pants, and an ugly red scarf on his neckline. "You two ready?" He asked, smiling and stomping his boot slightly on the wooden floor as he ventured towards you.

You pulled back slightly to examine your work and smiled. "I think we are; take a look." You exclaimed, turning on the small chair to reveal a smaller, beaming figure. "Raaw!" Tiny little Yuji exclaimed, bearing his small milk teeth at you and Nanami. His cute face was painted with whiskers, orange, and black, and he was wearing a little tiger costume with ears. Instantly, Nanami picked him up gently and spanked him around as he giggled. "Wow, is this the rare wild tiger?" He exclaimed, tickling Yuji slightly, who let out another hearty, warm laugh to your pleasure.

"I think he is, and you think he is ready to go looking for candy?" You said you were getting up and springing as you spoke, making your tail move ever so slightly. Yuji's small eyes grew, and he squealed in excitement. "Candy, Rawwww!" He cried loudly and joyfully in his daddy's arms, making him smile. "Alright, then go grab your bag and shoes, and then we can start tricking or treating, okay?" You spoke softly as he was put down and immediately began running to the door of your room. "Okay, mommy! I can't wait." He said as his small feet pittered.

As soon as he did, Kento wrapped an arm around you and pressed his lips to your ear. "And you are a wild kitty, yes?" His salutary voice could make you melt in his arms as he incases you in his warmth, with large arms around you and large hands on you. You hum in enjoyment. "I guess you. You gonna treat me?" You asked, dancing softly into his body. "Only if you are good." He says now, slowly bracing kisses on your cheeks.

"Come on, guys, let's go. Megumi is waiting." Yuji yelled, racing past your door in the hallway, making you pull out of Kento's hold and stray towards your toddler. "Yuji, I need to check your bag!" You call, and Kento can't help but smile as you turn the corner, getting your own handbag and slugging it over his shoulder with a shake of his head. Tonight was going to be fun.

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