Red Lust

12 2 2

The begin

Part 1


Damm it they striked again and we didn't even know.

Roy threw the TV remote which smashed into pieces. He was fuming in anger as he can't believe his eyes and ears about what he heard and saw. He couldn't  belive it even with the tight security and rules government had told follow. People are being carefree  just because whoever the attacker is, they haven't attacked in a while.

Calm down Roy. Anger is not the answer to solution. Yoshi said

Yoshi said as Jack consoled the other lad. While Henry bring water to Roy.

I DONT FUCKING NEED WATER HENRY AND yoshi tell me how will you be fucking calm when someone is kidnapped that also by Vampires which these human being think they don't exist anymore. Roy told

OK Roy Calm down first of all and listen to Yoshi he is right anger is not yhe answer for a solution. Listen we will do the petrol at night and we will go to Victon's pub tonight and search for clues of how many people sorry Vampires are there what are their roles and if not maybe we should try to ask this question to our parents especially yours. Jack suggested.

All 3 looked at Jack as like they saw a ghost or what. Because their parents have long list the contact with their now Half- Vampire sons.


Well we can say Jake somehow managed to convince the 3 to take help of their parents. Now the 4 are walking on the not so crowded stree. It is getting darker and darker as they walk further. Suddenly they came across a shop which had a lot of crowd. They peek inside and saw the most shocking thing onside. There was a TV inside the shop and there was the girl who was assumed to be kidnapped Lily Jones

' ah well miss Lily Jones, may I ask where were you in these past 2 days.'  A reporter asked

' ah well I went to see my uncle who is sick. He doesn't live here in the town. That night when I was in Victon's Pub I got a message from my uncle about him being sick. He told me that he tried to contact my mother and father but they didn't pick up so instead he called me. I told I will come meet him alone and I did . She explained

Mam your friends and some villagers assumed you were kidnapped. What do you think about it. Another reporter asked.

Kidnapped? Oh you guys are very funny. Hahaha. I think we should all stop worrying about those attacks which happened few months ago and focus on present. If somewhere here a man went somewhere but didn't came back from 2 days that doesn't mean he is kidnapped. Am I right hmm ? So i think we should stop thinking about the kidnaping. So I may take my leave now. I have got work to doShe said before taking her leaves

So ladies and gentlemen are you seeing this the girl named Lily Jones who was assumed to be kidnapped is safe. She was never kidnapped either way she had gone to visit her uncle. A little strange I see but  she had given proof by showing her the call which she had goten from her uncle and that also the missed calls on her parents phone. Her uncle even confirmed this that she was with her all the time. So are the people of Veniordls panicking too much. Should government stop the curfew and all. To know more please be tuned with AMERICAN CIVIL DOCUMENTARY CASE TIME.

All the 4 are shocked even I am
What actually happened with the girl that is a secret




Words 700

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