25. Her Past

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Rudransh's pov

Three agonizing days had passed without her by my side. It felt like traversing through hell, with everyone treading cautiously around me, as if I were a ticking bomb ready to explode at any moment.

My patience wore thin, and I found myself snapping at every little thing. The only solace amidst this chaos was that we were nearing the resolution of our current issue; all that remained was capturing the culprit.

Our plan was meticulously laid out, and if everything unfolded smoothly, I could depart for India tomorrow.

Each night, I engaged in conversations with Anya. She would tell me all about her day and i would listen to her patiently even though i had every minute detail about her from advait. I was aware of how much she longed for my presence.

My reverie was interrupted by the ringing of my phone.


"Yes, I'll be there."

"Is everything prepared? Because if I find even one thing missing or unready upon my arrival, be prepared to face the consequences," I asserted firmly.

Finally, the moment arrived. I was en route to my beloved, soaring through the air in my jet. Although I hadn't directly informed her of my departure, I had entrusted Advait with the details.

Yesterday's operations went off without a hitch, paving the way for my return home, to my cherished Anya.


My car pulls into the driveway around midnight. I am elated to know that I will be seeing her , my jaan although she might be asleep but i can admire her sleeping form.

I entered the mansion with my keys. I placed my shoes in place and walked in further.

I missed her so much , i missed her sweet voice , her kisses , her complaints , her tantrums, her warmth , her love , her puppy eyes which she uses to convince me , , her clumsiness , her soft smile - scratch that I missed her whole being.

I softly entered my room to see her sleeping peacefully snuggling in my pillow. I smiled seeing she had wore my clothes to sleep. I walked towards her softly , trying not to wake her up.

I was moving when my hand touched the vase and it fell down making a loud shattering sound. Great ! How the fuck did I manage to do that !! I cursed myself when , Anya, startled, rubs her eyes.

She opens her eyes and sees me standing thinking she's hallucinating. She blinks, but i am still here, standing in front of her, a warm smile on my face. Anya's heart skips a beat as she rushes towards me , her eyes welling up with tears.

"Ansh, is it really you?" she asks, her voice trembling with emotion.

I nod, taking her hands in mine. "Yes, it's me, Anya. I'm back."

Anya throws her arms around me, holding me tightly, not wanting to let go. "I can't believe you're here. I missed you so much," she whispers.

I hug her back, feeling her warmth against me. "I missed you too, more than words can say."

We stay like that for a moment, wrapped in each other's embrace, the world fading away around us. Finally, we pull back, looking into each other's eyes, a silent understanding passing between them.

"I love you, sweetheart ," i say softly. "I'll always come back to you, no matter what."

Tears stream down Anya's face as she smiles through them. "I love you too, Ansh. Welcome home."

I give her a huge smile and bend down to carry her in my arms. I gently placed her on the bed.

"Now , go to sleep. You have college." She nodded but made no move to leave me.

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