Tell Me Why

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"Well, then, shall I discuss the details? Or.. Later?" I ask her, and she looks around, giddy.

"Will you give me the money now if we discuss?" She asks. I nod rapidly, and she quickly texts someone. Sam nudges me and I head Quentin laugh a bit. She so wants the money, and I so need her.

"Okay, let's go then." She firmly nods in my direction. I smirk. "Alright, one minute."

I turn to my friends. "You go along, okay?" Sam says. I nod at her and quickly thank them. McDonald's is close to my house so after we talk I can walk back home.

We walk side by side and near to the McDonald's. "Okay, so who do I have to fake date?" She asks me as we walk down the sidewalks. The nice and fresh air breezed past me.

"Grant." I reply to her. She seems bored, and she looks at me with raised eyebrows. Then she laughs really hard.

"Grant, your older brother?" She asks and I nod. "Grant Michaels, oh forget it, kiddo." She stops to a halt and I stop to, firmly pulling my arms over my chest.

"Why not?" I ask her. She laughs and raises her eyebrow. "He's a player, and I don't date jocks and players. Hard luck, honey." She starts to walk away but then I call after her.

"Please, just let me explain for once? He won't be bad, and he'll only love you." I give her a runover glance. "You're really pretty, and your job is just to charm him and fake date him." I beg.

"I understand, but I can't charm the boy. He expects too much, and plus I don't even like him or his attitude!"
I gasp at her, wait what? Everyone loves Grant.

"You don't like him?"

"Psh, no way!" Her blue eyes are now amused and she answers me in a matter-of-fact tone. I giggle, and raise my eyebrows.

"Well then, that's something new."

"Maybe, but I don't care. Now I'm heading back. See you around, kiddo." I feel small and childish when she calls me kiddo. But she only is two years older than me.

"Okay, fine. But you can't head back now. You already skipped this, and imagine the trouble you would get if you went back." I simply speak. She slowly turns back around and groans, mumbling some very interesting words under her breath.

"Let's go," I smile at her and we walk over to McDonald's, and we swing open the door as the air conditioning busts onto our faces and we sit down on a cold seat and table near the window.

"You know, I'm curious." She informs me.


"Why would you want someone like me, to date your older brother when he has a million other fans and girlfriends?"

I sigh. " I want him to have a stable girlfriend, someone pretty and some one who gets good grades, someone like you." I explain to her. She nods and blushes a bit.

"Thanks, but, I can't do that. I'm sorry. Your brother is unbelievable.."

"I live with him, I go through hell everyday." I agree and she laughs. "Shall we order?" I stand up and she nods.

I get us two smoothies and head back, paying as well. "So, what if I gave you like.. $200 a week for dating my brother? Please? Your my only hope, you know, Willa?" I sit down again.

"I'll think about it.." She admits, then sips her smoothie and faces me. "Didn't Grant used to have a girlfriend he really liked, Malia?"

"Yeah." I gulp.

"Then she passed away."

"Yeah," I nod.

"So that's when he became all smoke addictive and all those clubs? When he.. Became a player?" She asks me, curious and sorrowful.

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