Death let Tristan fall asleep. Death sat at his desk and wept quietly. He could not be angry at the boy for falling in love. It only made him understand the role better. He knew when Tristan took his spot as Death, the boy would understand what this all meant.

Even after years of releasing people, Death knew the familiar dull ache he felt the first time he released someone into the afterlife. He remembered the cries of the family as he released his first person into the afterlife. The pain stayed with him always.

Before Tristan fell asleep, he told Death about what it felt like to fall in love. Through the boy's tears, Death understood his fondness for the sickly girl. He understood why he loved her. She was one of a kind. Of course, most people were, but he saw Tristan's demeanor change when he spoke of her. It was light and warm despite the circumstances.

Death let the boy sleep while he finished his paperwork. Tristan's soft snores reminded him of what Death was really like. He had heard it described in some fashions by those he released as simply falling asleep. He held their hand as they fell asleep. 

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