Brown Backstory + Before the Final Battle

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3 weeks before the first episode/skibidi toilet sighting.

Michael D. Brown's POV:I ran from the cameramen and slipped through a slim crack in the wall, I ran into an abandoned subway and hid for a while until it was safe, I turned on my flashlight and grabbed my emergency MREs. I ate my Veggie Lasagna for dinner around a fire I sparked, then I saw a regular toilet slide across the ground, I shined my flashlight on it, and a human head came out. I jumped back a bit, and I shouted, "WHAT THE F#@%," and another toilet came out of the darkness. It had the head of a guy I knew, Male_07, a legend in the sense that he had rap superpowers and hated authorities with a burning passion. He won and destroyed the Illegal Squid Game competition, and he is a great leader. Unfortunately, he was forced into hiding due to the cameramen hunting him down, and speaking of the cameramen is an organization that basically enslaved and made human life miserable. That is why I had to escape the 'Walled City', a city that they took over. I talked to the toilet, and he said "Mike is that you?" I said in a shocked tone."Ye-yes," he said. "You heard of me, I'm Male_07, I was turned into a toilet."
I said, "HOW?". He said "look it's hard to explain, but I was turned into this mocked form by the cameramen."
I replied, "So you were caught.." He replied."Yes, but I can turn others into Toilets if they're sitting on one." I replied."So... what now?" He said,'I'll hide you, and when we have enough resources and win the war, you'll be more powerful than you'd ever imagine." He held out his head, and I shook it.

Log 29/Episode 29

No one's POV: Michael D. Brown was strapped onto a table and was transformed into the Brown Cameraman we know from Episode 49,55,56,57. But at this time, he was sent into Alliance territory and had his memory wirelessly wiped. "Hello, anyone there? I don't know who I am, I have no memory." And he was turned into another soldier, and a wireless spy camera for the Toilets.

Log/Episode 57(part 2)

Brown Cameraman's POV: I ran into Infected Titan Speakerman and ran, I looked to my left and saw an opening. I ran, but I was crushed by an apartment's railing. I witnessed the love of my life TV Woman free Titan Speakerman from being infected, and she saved Plunger Cameraman, a fellow brother and hero of the Alliance. I waited there for maybe a TV or someone to save me, but nobody came to save me in my darkest hour. But I did hear a rumbling noise, The Professor Toilet, now much larger, came, he picked me up and explained that I was actually a spy. And that he saw much more potential in me, he explained that to mock the Alliance, he would make me a killer of Cameramen, and a Toilet Super Soldier. I will rise from the depths of this  rotting and hopeless world, and I will come back stronger and more bloodthirsty than ever. It is time for the Commander to rise. It is time for me to show them what they could've been. I was given a chip of all my memories, and I saw my past. I was given my documents and file, I could've been more than a politician, a footsoldier, or a SIMP, but now it is time to realize my full potential, let there be bloodshed.  

Present Day, the astro toilets were my cavalry and would encircle the Alliance while they pushed through the legions of toilets. Once their weight bends my army, I'd encircle them and have my revenge served with a warm cup of hot chocolate. I looked at Junior, a young, impressionable kid, and thought,'If I die, he will be my successor.' I smiled at him and gave him a hug, I then thought of TV Woman with hate and disgust. She left me there to rot. Maybe she knew my backstory, but that's unlikely. I would win, and the toilet empire takes Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctica. Then, a peace treaty would happen, and I'd have a big role in government and politics. I thought of my ancestors like Austrian Painter man and Emperor Napoleon and  asked myself,'What would they do?' Well, a lightning fast cavalry encirclement I'd what they'd do. And that's what I'm doing, anyways G-toilet arrived, and we prepared for the battle of our lives, I got in Kiryu and charged up my Maser Cannons. The Thunderstorm ahead crackled, lighting up the approaching Alliance. I looked to my friends and brothers in war and proclaimed, "Let there be bloodshed." And flew into battle.

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