Chapter 4: The Protagonist Hates Me... I think

Start from the beginning

Before I could respond, Alex approached. "I'll be her sparring partner," he declared, his approach reminiscent of a boss battle. Was I that fearsome?

Having all eyes on us I felt I had to accept the challenge head-on. Nodding to Alex, I took a wooden sword. I couldn't help but notice that Alex took the biggest and longest sword available, a choice that didn't go unnoticed by the others. There was a cheer of surprise, perhaps respect, from our classmates.

Being a magic specialist, I wasn't exactly a sword aficionado, but my level 100 status meant I had a certain proficiency in physical combat as well. The only issue was if I could hold back enough to not kill him accidentally.

"What's wrong black hair? You afraid your true level will show?" Alex taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Ignoring his obvious attempt to provoke me, I bowed respectfully, signaling the start of our duel. Alex charged with an enthusiasm that bordered on recklessness, perhaps expecting to overwhelm me quickly. He was probably faster than the average person, however, to me his swings felt slow, likely given the level gap between us.

Here goes a parry... using the least amount of effort I deflected a strike, unexpectedly sending him flying with the lightest touch. The crowd immediately gasped as he was sent crashing into the ground yards away.

He wouldn't have died from a swing like that right? Worried, I rushed over to him to find him unconscious, his body limp on the ground. Panic surged through me as I quickly checked for signs of life, grabbing his collar in a bid to feel for breathing. This action, however, was misinterpreted by the onlookers.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Wilhelm, our instructor, his expression shifting from concern to alarm, and the students' murmurs turned into gasps of shock. They thought I was going for a final, fatal blow, not realizing my true intention was to ensure Alex was still alive.

"Stop!" Wilhelm's commanding voice cut through the tension as he hurried over. The training field fell silent, and every pair of eyes locked on us.

I released Alex's collar immediately, showing my hands to signify I meant no harm. "I only meant..."

Before I could elaborate further, the crowd parted as Prince Cornelius, flanked by the headmaster of Mystic Academy, approached the scene. The air grew thick with anticipation and worry. Cornelius looked at me, not with surprise, but with a sort of vindication, as if this moment was what he had been waiting for.

"See? This merely underscores the necessity of the petition I've submitted for her expulsion," Cornelius stated, addressing the headmaster but loud enough for all to hear. "Her deceit in concealing her true power level, combined with the danger she poses to her peers, cannot be ignored."

The headmaster evaluated the situation—from Alex's unconscious body to me, standing there with my heart racing. "The matter of misrepresenting your abilities, particularly to the extent of a level 100, is a grave violation of our academy's trust and policies," he began, his voice firm and authoritative. "Such actions compromise not only your safety but that of all students and faculty."

A murmur of agreement spread among the onlookers. The headmaster continued, "This recent display of violence, serves as another testament to the potential threat you pose. It is with a heavy heart that I find myself inclined to agree with the petition for your expulsion."

My expulsion...maybe wouldn't be too bad. Thinking about it, I could probably escape the main heroine's story and live a peaceful life on a tropical island or something. But as I stood there, surrounded by the silent judgment of my peers, a part of me rebelled against the idea of leaving things as they were. Was I really going to let them kick me out over a misunderstanding and have the last laugh?

As if reading my mind the headmaster continued, "If expelled from this academy, you will lose all noble standings and be sentenced to exile from the kingdom of Florabelle.

Just then, Wilhelm spoke up in defense. "Hold on, Your Highness... headmaster. I believe Evelyn's level is accurate, she tells the truth about her abilities. I think exiling her would be a significant loss not only for our academy but for the kingdom."

"Evelyn," Wilhelm continued, "the way you blew Alex away as if he were a ragdoll... that wasn't your full strength right? Please show them your true power!

I guess it's kind of hard to say no... especially when you're begging me.

The headmaster paused, considering Wilhelm's words carefully. "Perhaps if you showcase the true extent of your abilities in a controlled environment, we might find a way to put this matter to rest," the headmaster suggested, looking directly at me. "A demonstration, if you will, that proves your high level."

"Sir, we have a suit of armor perfectly suited for this demonstration," Wilhelm suggested, moving to fetch a notably durable set of armor from the academy's storied collection. "This armor is enchanted to endure intense magical forces, a challenge even for our court mages."

"Sure, I'll agree to demonstrate my abilities," I consented with a low sigh.

The headmaster nodded in agreement. "Very well, let's proceed with this demonstration. If successful, it will not only clear any doubts about Evelyn's intentions but also reaffirm the potential benefits of her extraordinary capabilities to our academy and the kingdom at large."

The training grounds were quickly prepared for the demonstration, with the armor set at the center of the field. Students and faculty members gathered around, their expressions a sea of curiosity, skepticism, and excitement. Cornelius was still showing furious disapproval, his eyes glaring at me the whole time.

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