Christmas Eve chaos Part 1

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One days has past since Yuno and GiGi did Grimmes together and GiGi has been noticing how Yuno would be in his head thinking. Deciding to park by the sidewalk near the hospital GiGi asked Yuno what was wrong.

"Nothings wrong I'm just thinking about some things." He said trying to avoid the question but GiGi persisted.

"Listen Yuno we've been hanging out since the first time we met and I've been able to tell when somethings wrong with you." She said softly while putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You can tell me and I won't say anything to anyone." She said turning the truck back on and drove them away.

Smiling Yuno said nothing before turning to GiGi "Didn't you say you needed to see a doctor?" He asked as GiGi cussed before turning and driving back to the hospital.

(Christmas Day)

On this day Yuno was thinking about something when Benji, Raymond, and Micky walked up to him.

"Hey Yuno not with your girlfriend today?" Benji joked until Yuno subconsciously spoke.

"No." He said still thinking and not paying attention to the chaos he started.

"YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" Benji yelled out in anger, suprise and despair at his own lack of romance compared to Yuno's.

"MY BOI'S FINALLY GOT ONE!" Raymond yelled in happiness while Micky was stunlocked over Yuno's subconscious answer.

Not paying attention to what they were doing Yuno saw a twat from Raymond on his phone and opened it up.

"My Boi after knowing him for over seven years finally has found himself a girl!!!!" Raymond twatted before sending another twat of Yuno with the words I'm going to be the best man.

After Raymond twatted that Yuno got texts of congratulations from the people he met while ignoring how Raymond and Benji were having an argument over the best man position while Micky congratulated him by handing him a beer while he drank a whiskey.

/Author Notes/

This is short but this chapter is the first of many parts.

I hope you all have a good Day / Afternoon / Night for whenever your reading this story.

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