Days of Grimmes Part 2

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(Day 4)

In a Grimmes van GiGi and Yuno were talking when suddenly GiGi ran past a red light and a cop pulled them over.

"Oh great we got pulled over Yuno." GiGi said with annoyance as a officer walked over to them.

"It'll be okay GiGi I'll talk to them." He said recognized the officer.

"Hey Officer Whiskey how's it going?" Yuno asked with a small grin.

"Yuno?" He said in suprise.

"Yeah Me and GiGi were just on the way to pick up Grimmes packages down the road." He said with a smile.

"Well I saw you and her go past a red light before I pulled you both over." He said putting his hands on his belt.

"Of yeah the last package we needed to get was just down the street so I guess we didn't see the lights."

"Okay okay so is their anything that your holding onto or is their anything illegal in your trunk." He asked pulling out a notepad.

"Nope you can check me or GiGi for anything.. though we have knives because Grimmes workers have been getting robbed so we bought them for protection." He said getting out and waited for Whiskey to check him.

"No need for that Yuno." He said putting away his notepad.

"Listen I'll just give you both a warning for now and that'll be the end of it." He said as Yuno got back inside.

"Hey wouldn't it look cool if you gave us a police escort to the last package." Yuno said in a cheerful and hopeful tone.

"I would but I just got a call for a stabbing incident at Seniór Buns." He said before leaving them.

"I guess we got lucky that some people got stabbed at Seniór Buns." He said turning to GiGi.

Stunned by what happened GiGi said nothing for a while before they continued to do their runs.

(Day 5)

Doing some solo runs GiGi saw Yuno talking to three people. Parking next to them GiGi asked how he was doing.

"I'm just hanging out with friends and planned on doing some Grimmes later." He said before asking her the same thing.

"I'm doing well doing Grimmes with you and Tony.. well I'm doing a solo run at the moment."

Seeing how the two speak to one another one of Yuno's friends asked them a question.

"Damn Yuno I didn't know you had that dog in you?" One of the three said in astonishmemt.

"It's not like that Mr. K GiGi and I are just friends that's all." Yuno said flustered while GiGi just nodded.

"No Mr. K's right Yuno unlike seven years ago you didn't seem like talking with any girls aside from your sister Ray Mond." Another said while the last of the three spoke.

"Taco's right Yuno take it from a certified ladies man like myself I know when a guy is down bad for someone." The last one said with confidence in his voice.

"Ramee, Taco, Mr. K your all wrong besides girls aren't into me." He said getting groans from the three while GiGi raised a brow at his statement.

(Day 6)

In a Grimmes van heading towards Harmony GiGi and Yuno were talking about Christmas coming up in three days.

"So what do you plan on doing for the holidays Yuno?" GiGi asked as they arrived to pick up their packages.

"Don't know probably spend time with family and give gifts to my friends." He said putting his packages inside before sitting inside the van as they left.

"... Be honest with me Yuno do you plan on still doing Grimmes in the future?" She asked trying to see what kind of person Yuno was.

"To be honest probably not.. not because it doesn't pay well but because you spend one hour collecting packages only to get paid $300 to $450 dollars." He said as they accepted an order to pick up their last packages.

"Hey if you get a job that pays more give me a call and I'll do some runs with you Yuno." GiGi said before taking a sharp turn making Yuno jerk into her causing her to turn the wheel left making them crash into a barrier.

After a bit GiGi opened her eyes and saw Yuno's face very close to hers' and lightly pushed him away waking him and with a groan.

"Sorry about the sharp turn back there." She said before starting the van with a small blush as she drove with a slightly dazed Yuno.

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