CHAPTER TWELVE, search and rescue

Start from the beginning

"Hey, come here." Nico murmurs softly, sensing her worry and distress. He pulls her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her. "Everything will be okay, sunshine. We'll find him." He assured her, resting his chin on the top of her head. Alaina relaxed in his embrace, feeling safe and comforted.

"I hope so. I can't stop thinking about the worst case scenarios." Alaina confesses, her voice shaky. She hated how anxious and worried she was. She wanted to be optimistic, but she couldn't help but feel scared for Kayden. "Maybe we should try to look around the campsite he went to again. I don't know, maybe we missed something."

"Sure, we can try that." Nico nods, starting the car. "Just try not to worry too much, okay? We'll find him, and he'll be okay." He reassured her, squeezing her hand gently. Alaina felt a small sense of comfort at his words, but she was still worried. She hoped and prayed he was right, and that they would find Kayden and that he would be okay.

They eventually make it back to the camp site Kayden stayed at. As soon as Alaina got out of the car, she immediately felt uneasy. There was something in the air that made her skin crawl and her hair stand on end. Nico noticed the shift in her mood and put a hand on her back, giving her a gentle squeeze. He felt the same way, he had to admit, but he didn't want to let Alaina know that. He didn't want her to worry even more.

As they searched around the campsite, Alaina couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that seemed to grow with each passing minute. Every rustle of leaves or snapping twig made her jump, her nerves on edge. Nico stayed close by her side, his presence a source of comfort amidst the unsettling atmosphere.

They meticulously combed through the area, scanning every nook and cranny for any sign of Kayden. Yet, despite their efforts, there was no trace of him. The sun had started to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch out like accusing fingers in the fading light. Alaina's phone buzzed, breaking the tense silence. It was a message from Lahela, asking if they had found any leads. Alaina's heart sank as she typed out a reply, informing Lahela of their fruitless search so far. She felt a pang of guilt knowing how worried Lahela must be, and she wished desperately for some good news to share. Nico noticed the troubled expression on Alaina's face as she finished typing her response. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, offering her a reassuring smile despite the gnawing worry in his own chest.

"We'll keep searching," He said softly, his voice laced with determination. "We won't give up until we find him."

Alaina nodded, grateful for his unwavering support. With renewed resolve, they continued their search, determined to bring Kayden back safely no matter what it took.


It was getting late and dark, they had to use their flashlights on their phones now, but they kept looking for Kayden. They were starting to think they needed to head back since it was getting late and they didn't want to get lost themselves, but just as they were about to call it a night and head back, Alaina spotted something near the shore of a nearby river.

"Nico, look." She gasps, pointing at the object. It was a familiar looking bag. The two of them rushed over, and sure enough, it was Kayden's bag. It had his name written on it. "He has to be around here somewhere." She muttered, her gaze scanning the area. She looked at the river, hoping he hadn't fell in or something. Nico's heart pounded in his chest as they searched the area, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. 

Suddenly, they heard a faint sound coming from further downstream. Without hesitation, they followed the noise, their hearts racing with anticipation and fear. As they approached the source of the sound, their flashlights illuminated a figure lying on the ground near the riverbank. It was Kayden, unconscious and barely breathing. Alaina's heart clenched at the sight, and she felt a rush of relief and fear wash over her simultaneously. She and Nico rushed over to him, their hands shaking slightly as they assessed his condition.

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