Midnight in Paris

Start from the beginning

"What are you laughing at?" Travis asked, eyeing up his girlfriend's suspicious look and twinkle in her eye.

"Oh nothing. Just Jason giving me a lovely debrief of the incident between you, a bike, Mrs Dawson's holly bush and a slightly off the rails Jack Russell by the name of Spitz!"

"Oh so he told you the story then." Travis laughed and Taylor nodded and listened as Travis launched into a story of his own about Jason when he was around 5 years old. Taylor loved hearing Travis talk about his brother and his family growing up. it reminded her so much of her experiences with her own brother and family growing up. They both came from such humble, normal backgrounds and worked hard for their careers and money that they had. But deep down they were both very much family orientated down to earth people.

The pair spent the rest of the day exploring as much of Paris and what it had to offer as they could, knowing that they didn't have much time any of the other days. It was an eventful day including lots of sight seeing, endless amounts of clothes shopping (something Taylor was glad about Travis being a fashionista; he wouldn't get annoyed by her desire to shop in all of the latest in boutiques in Paris) and watching as Taylor saw Travis get into a heated verbal altercation with an angry French man after he touched some flowers he wasn't supposed to and accidentally said the wrong word in French which in actual fact turned out to be a very great and disrespectful insult. Taylor interrupted and attempted to mediate the argument with the minor French that she had learnt in school and had picked up along the way from touring and aggressive duolingo notifications. That owl is no joke!

"Je suis vraiment désolé monsieur. Il ne voulait pas dire ça. Il voulait s'excuser et dire qu'il voulait m'acheter ces fleurs" Taylor spoke eloquently in the best French accent she could muster. She was aware from the internet and from personal experience that the French, especially Parisians, weren't the most welcoming to foreigners. Especially rowdy Americans.

"Les rouges? Les roses?" The older man replied, calming down slightly at the thought of a civilised conversation in his won native language.

"Oui, ces rouges s'il vous plaît." Taylor replied as she gestured for Travis to give the man the money. After all, he had been the one who had wanted to buy her the flowers, plus she did deserve them after ensuring Travis didn't spend their only day to explore Paris and spend time together romantically in a French emergency room. She really didn't want to have to explain that one to Donna or Ed. Jason and Kylie would probably just find it funny and Wyatt would tell him that is what he deserved for being in her words "Naughty and Sneaky". "Mercy Beaucoup!"

She waved goodbye to the older man, who after he calmed down seemed harmless and very sweet. The walked back along the bank of the Seine, presently aware of the many cameras and phones taking pictures and videos of them. She was sure these would circulate Instagram and TikTok before long but neither of them cared. Taylor had spent far too long hiding away and it got her virtually nowhere. She had spent 34 long years on this earth and had no plans on hiding away for any more it.

Travis flicked through his phone looking at the photos he and Taylor had taken of each other that day

She looked so happy in all of the photos, everywhere they went it didn't matter whether there were no people or hundreds of people, Taylor wanted photos

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She looked so happy in all of the photos, everywhere they went it didn't matter whether there were no people or hundreds of people, Taylor wanted photos. She wanted more than anything for her time with Travis to be spent like any other normal couple would do. That is how her and Joe decided to be and for the most part it worked for a while. But Joe was never happy to exist in a bubble in the world around them. All he ever wanted was his own bubble. And his own world. All to himself.

Taylor in the end got kicked out. She be came aa martian. A black sheep. Or a black dog should she say.

Travis had made midnight dinner reservations at a rooftop bar in central Paris. The buzz of Paris had died down significantly, leaving behind the glittering sparkle of the Eiffel Tower and the quaintness that was quintisentionally Parisian.

"Today has been beautiful Tay. Just magical."

"I know Trav. It's been amazing. This has to be one of my favourite places we have been to together. I am sorry we couldn't get to Disneyland." Taylor said, rubbing his hand. Sometimes he felt like her child: this was one of those times as she saw him pout at the mention of their failed trip to Disneyland Paris. "I promise we will go another day."

"I'm only joking." Travis laughed before turning back to his serious tone. "But there was one more surprise I had in store for you this evening. And don't worry, it isn't some dramatic proposal before you get all flustered." Wow he knew her more than she knew herself. "I have got us a house!" He sighed, waiting for her reply. But Taylor didn't give one.

"What do you mean you got us a house?" Taylor eventually replied, still wearing a mask of shock. "We already have a house together. Back in Kansas City."

"No I mean here in Europe. I bought a house for the summer. In London. We can use it as a base for when you are touring. I just get sick of living out of a hotel all of the time. I want us to feel like we are still at home, living together. And that way, we can have some of our stuff here with us all of the time. What do you think?"

Taylor sat still, not saying anything for a while before a huge grin fell across her face. She lent over the table to place a kiss on his soft lips, feeling the prickle of his beard cut into her chin slightly.

"I think that it is an excellent idea. I love it!"

"Really? I was afraid you would be upset or angry!"

"Why would I be upset or angry Trav?" Taylor asked quizzically, taking a final sip of her drink to empty the glass, signalling to the waiter that she was finally finished.

"Well I know how hard it was for you to leave London. All of the memories of Joe and the life you used to live there. It all died when you left and I didn't want to bring up any unnecessary grief or demons!" Taylor's heart melted. This was another one of Travis' beautiful traits. He always put other people first and cared so much about pleasing others and making everyone smile and be happy.

"Trav, grief is just love with nowhere else to go. I want our love to flourish and to do so, we have to let it grown wherever it wants to go. And if that is London. That is London." He smiled a goofy smile back at her, signalling to the waiter to get the bill.

They took a peaceful midnight stroll along the river Seine back to their apartment, discussing the details of the new house they would be renting over the summer. It was only a rental but they had the option to buy the property or a similar one and the same area if it all worked out ok. He hoped it would. The house was a detached property in Hampstead, a small village like area in North London. It had a beautiful garden, lots of rooms to host people, 6 big bedrooms and a large garden. There was room for their whole family to stay with them in London for the plan had been for Jason and Kylie ton bring the three girls to one of Taylor's shows in London whilst Travis and Jason spent time in London promoting New Heights before training camp started up seriously again and a new season of New Heights would begin and be up and running again. It was perfect for them.

Taylor noticed that Travis had easily fallen asleep after they had returned back to their apartment. But excitement and anticipation kept her from falling asleep that night. So she untangled herself from Travis' embrace, grabbing her guitar and made her way out onto the balcony, singing and humming the tune to a song from one of her labourite bands and movies...

I can still recall
Our Last Summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine
Laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain

AUTHORS NOTE: This is your last chapter of happiness, sorry to dissapoint. The misery begins tomorrow !!!!

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