the conversation

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....Days and days passed ,nothing changed but Nailaa starts to have feeling on him..

                         {school ringing...}

_The teacher: the class is about to start everyone take a seat !!

while everyone is paying attention Nailaa wasn't becouse Hamza dosen't come yet she still worried ...

_Nailaa:(talking with her self) Where is he ? Why didn't he come? i hope everything is ok with him!

             (knock knock knock )

_The teacher : yes come in .

           (hamza enter)

_The teacher: where have you been you are late for 10 min!!

_Hamza : i apologize sir, i left the bus time and i came her by foot , i'm sorry.

_The teacher : alright take your seat .

AAA Nailaa who was in the cloud with happiness she finally saw him , and stoped being worried .

_Hamza : hi ,Nailaa how are you doing today?

Nailaa's heart starts beating , she reliezed that something was happening with her feelings cause every time he talks to her she starts blushing  and starts losing words ,but he founds her attitude cute ....

_Nailaa: oh i..i'm good what about you?

_Hamza: fine ,thanks , tell me where are you from?

....she dosen't expect that kind of question from him, becouse he dosen't give her a lot of attention, he just greets her on the morning ..

_Nailaa: was living in a town in an other city.

_Hamza: are you here with your parents or you live alone?

_Nailaa: No ..No i live with my aunt.

_Hamza: does your aunt have boys ?!

_Nailaa:  ( being shocked of his random question)what do you mean ??!!

_Hamza: what it's just a question! yes or no?

_Nailaa: strange, but no she dosen't have any .

_Hamza: good to hear that ( with a soft smile) what about a boyfriend ,do you have one ?

_Nailaa: what...what do you mean!!??

_Hamza ; hey relaxe i'm just kidding never mind little kitten.(he give her a side smile and face the board to continue the lesson .

  ......  hearing his words and seing his moves Nailaa was confused is it  real or is she dreaming ,everything went fast , she couldn't stop thinking of him and his words  the rest of the day , and he wasn't able too to forget her cuteness but no one show it to the other....

     ! suddenly.......

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