the first sight

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 their eyes was focusing in each other ,he was watching her feeling anxious ..

_Nailaa (in her head) it's him! it's the guy i met in a while .

...when she saw him Nailaa felt something strange in her , her heart was beating very fast like it never did ,she tried to no give the situation an importance   especially when she remember why she was here  .

   she was right it was him Hamza the guy who she met ,he was her classmate ;a tall guy with strong face feature , pumped lips and a sexy hair cut  he was also shoked to see her.

 _Hamza; it's her the inocent girl what a good coïncidence .

_The teacher : attention student it's Nailaa your new classmate she came her becouse of the schooling problem in her public school , welcome her and show her the lessons .

....while she was searching for a seat with her eyes .

_The teacher: Hamza make a seat for her next to you and help her with last lessons .

     .....Nailaa who was shoked she can't even keep eye contact with him and now she is seating next to him.

_Hamza: hi Nailaa ,good to see you again ,here you are the lessons .

_Nailaa: thank you hamza .

    ..... she has no word to say , she continue her revision while he was helping her if she didn't understand his hand writing .

......but they get closer when....

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