The moving day

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The most important day of Nailaa has finally comes ,it's the day she is moving on into her new school she was so exited becouse she will face a new life in a new city ,her aunt accept to welcome her in her house .

                            [07:00 AM]

_Nailaa: mom dad wake up it's seven AM ,i don't wanna be late in my first day of school !!!!!

_The mother: Relax my daughter we're up go check you're pakage while i'm making breakfast .

_Nailaa ( with a soft smile on her childish face ) : your order mother i will be fast .

     ....after breakfast she puts her luggages in the car and take the road ,while she was laying her head on the window and think about her knew school and new classmate, also about  the old one that she left in her town .

                                                     [after 2 hours of road]

_Nailaa: finally arrived ;mom dad i'm a little bit nervous.

_The father : you don't have to sweetheart everything will be good .

         ....after the goodbye 👋 and hugs she went to see the director who was waiting for her he explained some rules that she should respect then he leads her to the upper floor to the general supervisor ...

  being exited and nervous she past against a boy and she asked him ...

_Nailaa: ohoh sorry can you lead me to the general supervisor's office ?? i'm new here and i don't know where it is .

_hamza: ( smilling at her ) sure it's at the end of the hallway .

_Nailaa : thank you( with a soft smile ).

...She continues walking until she arrives knocked the door and heard a deep voice who gives her the right to enter .

_The supervisor: yes,come in .

_Nailaa (who opened the door slowly and say):hi sir,i'm the new student in the terminal .

_The supervisor: yes , i remember the director told me about you ; you're welcome , it's your school don't be nervous everything will be good  .

she smiled at him as a yes ; then he leads her to her classroom .

he knocked at the door the teacher open it  and she didn't realise what she saw ...

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