Promising Young Woman

Start from the beginning

He jumped into his car, most likely breaking the speed limit and self road traffic laws in a bid to make it home in time. Hi phoned buzzed against his leg from its place in his back pocket. He pressed a button on his radio system to hear his brother come through the speakers of his convertible.

"Trav, have you seen the internet." He heard the worried tone in Jason's voice. Even though he had only just met Taylor the week before, they had FaceTimed loads and he already thought of her as his little sister, just in the same way Travis felt towards Kylie. Taylor was a member of their family and this made him feel just as physically sick.

"Yes I have seen it Jas. I think the whole world has seen it by now. I Amin the car now, I am on my way home!"

"Like this is fucked up. What sort of person would do this sort of thing." Travis brow creased and furrows. He tried his best to breathe and focus on the road: the last thing any of them needed was a car accident.

"I don't know, but whoever did it better count their minutes because I am going to fucking kill whoever did this to Tay. I need you to do something for me bro."

"Anything Trav. What do you need?"

"I need you to contact Mom and Dad and tell them to keep away from social media. I don't know if they have seen anything yet, my guess is they have but I want to shield them as much as possible. I haven't received any texts or calls yet so I am hoping that it is a good sign. I don't want them seeing any of that!" Travis felt more tears collect in his eyes as he heard and felt himself begging for his brother to shield his parents from this. They hadn't asked to be famous or to have their private live spot on display for the world to see, but they took it in their strides. But they wouldn't stand for this. And Travis didn't need the next time he saw his dad to be through a blurred screen with telephones at either end. The worst part would be it could equally be either of them doing the time.

"I promise Trav. I'll tell them right now. Give Tay our love from Kylie and Me."

"I will" He said goodbye to Jason and hung up the phone just in time for him to swerve into the driveway. Travis quickly text both of Taylor's parents and Tree before unlocking the front door of the house. It was darker than it had been when he had left this morning; the happiness and the light had been sucked through the drainpipes as if there was no longer signs of life.

"Tay?" He called out, but no reply. He tried again, this time louder... "Taylor"

Still nothing.

"Tay, where are you darling?" Nothing but silenced filled the rooms.


He must have searched their house top to bottom, down every hallway and curve. And still no sign of her. There had been no alerts of movement from the cameras surrounding the property. Security had said that she had not left the house since he had left for practise that morning. She had to be in that house somewhere.

But where?

And thats when he heard it. The soft sounds of sniffling coming from one of the empty rooms of the far side of the West Wing of the house. Nothing was in those rooms yet apart from his office and area where he would film the new season of New Heights when the 2024 football season restarted in August-September. He gently pressed the door open further and there she was..

Sprawled out on the bare floor, knees hugged up to her chest and tears still flowing. How long had sheen been there? He rushed over to her, wishing to hold her and comfort her but as soon as Taylor retested his presence in the room, she sprung up and scurried away into a corner of the room, scitish like a spider.

"Tay darling its me. Please I am soo soo sorry."

"Get away from me." He could hear the despair and anguish in her voice. It was pouring out fast then the teardrops falling from her eyes. her face was blotchy and red, new teardrops falling down the cracks of old ones, rivers forming pools of sadness at the balls of her feet.

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